After the Movie

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What's up everyone it's Winter! I was going to post this last night but I got tired. So this took place last night! Hope you guys enjoy! I need to get Noel up! It's such a hassle! She's not a morning person.

Winter: That movie was awesome!

Lil'T: I know right! Best movie ever!

Static: I'm so tired now!

Winter: Same! Hey, where is Glitch?

Glitch: I'm about to prank Rasa and Lima!

Winter: Oh god! How?

Glitch: Turn off their alarm!

Winter: Glitch! Don't do it! You're going to get in trouble!

Glitch: Relax, it'll be fine!

Winter: Whatever you say!

Static: If he got in trouble, I would laugh so hard!

Lil'T: Same!

Static: I'm off to bed now! Buh-bye!⚡️

Lil'T: Bye girl!

Winter: I'm sure Rasa and Lima will get mad.

Lil'T: Yeah, they'll probably over sleep.

Winter: Agreed,

Glitch: I did it!

Winter: XD! You're about to get into major trouble now! Just you wait!

Glitch: I believe it's time for bed now! Good night guys!

Lil'T: Good night guys! Talk to you tomorrow!

Winter: K! Nighty nights✌🏻️

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