Mo and Noel

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Noel: MO! Hehehe

Mo: What do you want Noel?

Noel: Wanna go to the mall with me?

Mo: Again? Alright, what are you gonna do to me this time?

Noel: Get you shoes.

Mo: Awesome.

Noel: BOI, I'm kidding. I already got you shoes. Come over now to try them on.

Mo: Alright alright.

Noel: Here try these on.

Mo: Heels? Are you kidding me Noel?

Noel: Hehehe.

Mo: Nuh uh!

Noel: You're trying them on! No matter what mister!

Mo: Ugh Noel! I wish I can punch you right now.

Noel: Well you can't because you can't hit a girl!

Mo: Da fuck does that have to do with anything?

Noel: It just does.

Mo: These shoes are friggin tight!! TAKE THEM BACK!!

Noel: Well, I need a bigger size.

Mo: Don't you dare get me another pair of heels! You already set me up on hair and nail appointments and you buy me dresses!

Noel: Well, get ready for more of that!

Mo: Why Noel?

- Hey it's Noel and we're back! I know it's been a week since we've been on here! We've just been really busy. We will hopefully update this Chatroom tomorrow! I know you all love it so Winter and I are not ending it anytime soon. I gotta go now, it's time for me to set Mo up on some appointments now and annoy him about him and Glitch dating, BYE! PRAY FOR ME!!🙏🏼🙏🏼

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