Aww Tobi

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Winter: I can't believe what I just heard!

Kamri: What?

Winter: Tobi's father died and he never knew him!

Brooklyn: Aww, how sad.

Static: I know how it feels, I lost my father a few years ago.

Kamri: I'm so sorry Static.

Static: It's fine, I just have to pull through.

Winter: Also, my father died too a few years ago.

Kamri: Awwww😢😢

Brooklyn: Didn't Noel's dad die too?

Winter: Noel are I are sisters and we had the same father.

Brooklyn: Oh!

Kamri: Well, I'm sorry to hear about Tobi.

Winter: I know poor thing. Rasa was telling me that Lima and himself are gonna go to Pennsylvania with Tobi.

Kamri: Why Pennsylvania?

Noel: That's where Tobi and his family come from.

Kamri: Oh.

Winter: Rasa told me we might come along too or he might take certain people with them. He doesn't know yet.

Brooklyn: Okay well good night guys.

Kamri: Nighty nights Brookie.


Winter: Well that was a long hello Glitch.

Static: Hehe yup! 

Winter: Hey guys, if we don't go to Pennsylvania, wanna hang out?

Static: YES!

Kamri: Sure.

Carolinà: Sounds fun.

Caden: Absolutely!

Glitch: Yeah

Lil'T: Okay, what's on your mind.

Winter: We can all go to the mall.

Carolinà: YES! I love the mall!!

Kamri: I know you would Cari! You spend a lot more money than me.

Carolinà: I know, I need to stop that.

Winter: Well, I'm getting tired and we have a potluck tomorrow so see ya✌🏻️.

Glitch: G'night.

Static: Buh-bye⚡️

Lil'T: Bye!

Kamri: Nighty nights!

Carolinà: Buenos Noches.

Caden: Good night babe.

Winter: Oh Caden!

-Wassup it's Winter!! It sounds like I have a lot to do tomorrow! I gotta get some rest for tomorrow, see ya!

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