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Winter: I can't believe. It's finally October!!

Glitch: I know! You know October- December is my favorite time of the year!

Winter: Can't argue with you on that one.

Static: True.

Brooklyn: And my birthday is next week!

Winter: Honestly, I forgot about that, sorry Brookie.

Brooklyn: That's okay, now you know.

Winter: Well, gotta run guys! See ya!

Brooklyn: Bye!

Static: Buh-bye⚡️

Glitch: Goodbye!

-Wassup its Winter! Sorry we haven't updated this in soooo long! Our owner has been so busy! We have been too and so have Tobi and the squad. Summer break was so easy when our owner was on our account and posted a lot on our accounts. Well, she posts on the squad's account because of Cari and her fashion book. That's pretty much it and see ya!

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