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Previously on Brown Curls:

"Well I'd prefer that my child has a father!"

"What's the use if he's an ass?"

Hermione didn't answer him, she just bit her lip and looked away.

"You know I'm right... And guess what? I'm going with you! You can raise that child on your own, but I won't accept that he or she will have such a jerk as a father. Trust me, it's better not to have a father at all than having a bad one."

"You're afraid that my child passes through what you did aren't you?"

"Basically yes I am."

Their conversation was rudely interrupted by Ron apparating into the office.

"Speaking of the devil..."

C h a p t e r 6
B r e a k u p s & B r o k e n
H e a r t s

"What are you doing here ferret?" Ron spat, as he made his way to Hermione grabbing her in a rather way.  Draco gritted his teeth in order to stop himself from beating the shit out of him."Umm, let me think," he answered in a deep mocking tone, frowning as if in deep thought then he clapped his hands. "Aha! Right, I remember now... I own the freaking place!" Ron sneered in Draco's direction, then turned towards her "I came as fast as I could, the second I heard that you'll be working with that a sshole. I don't like it, and shall leave this instance!" At Ron's foolish speech showing his obvious ignorance, Draco cleared his throat and glared at him.

Let's just say, if looks can kill... He'd be as alive as the Dark Lord. Draco then said with so much threat in his voice, "First of all, keep your filthy hnads off her unless you you're going too loosen your grip this instance. Second of all, how dare you manhandle her that way? As far as I know, without her you would've died a long time ago. And also, I don't whether you heard me right and chose to ignore, or whether you thought I'm joking, seriously pal, I own this place," he went forward opening the door wide for him to get out, "I suggest you leave."

"I don't give a bloody damn! Stay away from her! Hermione let's go, you're not working here anymore." Ronald dragged Hermione behind him, and started making his way out. He started pulling her away, when Draco suddenly hit his hand on the door, causing all the glass on it to shatter. He inched closer towards him, his face inches away from Ron's, "Get. Go. Of. Her." He said in a dangerous tone, but Ron did not stand back. Hermione eventually yanked her arm away from his grip.

Hermione didn't even know what to do.... She was in the middle of a fight, between two men, one who loved her dearly and one who cared for her. Little did she know that the one who claimed to love her couldn't care any less about her, while the one that claimed to only care about her was deeply in love with her.

"Get away from each other" Hermione said.

At first none of them budged but then both backed away, so she turned to Ron and told him to sit cause they need to talk. Ron being the stubborn man he is, argued. "We can take this somewhere else, I don't want the ferret to hear our conversation." Ron spat. "How polite of you Ronald," Hermione glaredin his direction.

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