Chapter Twelve

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            I only got an hour of sleep and I was super hung over. I'm so tired I need twenty cups of coffee to wake me up. I really want to go back to sleep but at the moment I'm in the subway with a baby present in my arms. To add on to it, I'm wearing a short dress (picture below) and getting weird looks for doing so. My glasses covered up my eye rolls which was super glad about that. The train made two stops. One in Secaucus and one in my old town. I had to walk from the train stop to Stella's parents' house which was a couple blocks away. It was a little hot but I haven't walked around here since almost a year ago.

            I finally got to Mrs

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            I finally got to Mrs. Darcy's house. I sweated a tad bit but nothing a cold drink can't fix. Jesus I sound like my grandfather. Eh. It's whatever. I'm just glad to be at Stella's baby shower. I walked into the backyard and headed into the kitchen. Obviously I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

            "Hazel you lost weight. How's it going?" she greeted me. And what's with it people saying I lost weight.

            "It's going great Mrs. Darcy. Thank you for the compliment. Excited to be a grandmother?"

            "In all honesty, I'm too young to be one but I'm willing to deal with it."

            "Still have that great sense of humor and don't worry, you'll be the best."

            "What about you? Have any babies of your own?"

            "No Mrs. Darcy, I think my mother would of have killed me if I did." I joked which then I proceeded to lie, "I'm waiting for marriage."

            "You were always the good one out of the bunch besides your drinking."


            "Well I'll take your present from you and you can follow me and do what you said over the phone."

            I followed her into the living room where every female was in there. Stella was talking to Marcy. I haven't seen her since graduation. Stella took a sip of her glass of sangria. Mrs. Darcy walked up to her with the box.

            "I forgot to give you this to you. I was told to give it to you before any other present but you have to open the card and read it out loud."

            "Alright." She said taking a sip of her sangria and handing it to Marcy. She opened the card up and started to read.

            'Dear Stella, I'm incredibly sorry that I couldn't make it to you baby shower. The Europe tour was extended a couple days so I express shipped the card you are reading. In the box there's four hundred dollars to spend on the little one once he/she is here. Jimmy and I can't wait to see the little one...wait no everyone here can't wait. In the box there's something special for you and only you that you can only use once which I hope will make up in for my absents. Love Hazel.    P.s Look towards the kitchen, I think there's another surprise. J'

            She stopped reading the card and looked at my direction. Her face was filled with hate, excitement, and happiness at the same time.

            "No way."

            "Yes way."

            "But you said you weren't going to make to be here."

            "Well actually I just came in last night around I have no clue to be honest and your mother was in the plan. She didn't buy you my gift."

            "You bitch." The room gasp and went silent.

            "Stella language." Mrs. Darcy yelled at her.

            "No mother it's a good curse" she told her mother walking towards me and hugging me to death, "I really didn't think you were coming."

            "And what miss my best friends Baby Shower? Think again."

            The baby shower was nice and simple. A nice brunch which my mother, Mrs. Darcy and Mrs. Smith made. There was trays upon trays of food. Eggs, bacon, French toast, ham, chicken, fruit. An endless table off food. When we finished eating, Stella opened her presents. She got a lot of nice things. Blankets, outfits, towels all things she needs for the baby. Her mom and dad bought her a new crib. My parents plus bother bought her a really nice rocking chair and Mr. and Mrs. Smith got the dresser and changing table. She got everything. Her bridal shower is probably going to be way worse with all the presents she's going to get. I can just see it. I got the little one a nice soft teddy bear that was not cheap. I also got her a backstage ticket. It's probably going to be the last fun night of her life before the little one comes so why not.

            It was around four thirty and I needed to leave soon. The sooner the better. Mike was at the house now with my father, brother, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Smith. Tony was with them 'cause they needed a pickup truck and Tony had one. I hated not getting Mike a pass but he was alright with not going. Stella and I both said our goodbyes before heading to New York. She was going to spend the next few nights with us and travel back with us on our way to Philly.

            We got to Madison Square Garden just in time. Sound check was about to begin. We couldn't enter from the back for some weird reason but people asked for autographs which I kindly signed some. However, a security guard came to get me before I could sign anything else. When we got in the boys were setting up our things for sound check since we don't have a crew yet. I put my pass on my shoe and ran to the stage to help out. Stella didn't run since she was really pregnant so she waddled to the stage holding her back. For a small girl she is carrying pretty big. I was always jealous of how skinny she was but it doesn't matter anymore.

~Later that Night~

            "Thank you New York. You guys rock. It was great to be back home." I thanked the crowd for the great thirty maybe forty minute show, "Be sure to pick up our album Make Room."

            Keith hit his drums one more time after I ended the small thank you. The stage was black and we had to move all our things before the who went on. The who is going to be way better than us but we did alright. A couple screw ups here and there that I picked up but other than that we sounded great.

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