Chapter Twenty Four

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The last day of tour was the best. You know why? I got to go home and pack up all my things and move into a new house. We're moving into this place called the tower house. I have no idea what it looks like but all I know it's a new home. Jimmy really didn't tell me about it but I'm sure I'll find out what it's all about soon. In all honesty, I didn't even know that he bought the house. I thought we were both going to go house hunting as a couple but I guess not.

Speaking of Jimmy, I didn't really speak to him for the rest of the tour nor when we got home. Maybe a couple questions like what do you want for dinner? or what time are you coming home from the studio? Very little conversation. I'm still mad at him but what am I going to do? I still love him. I know I shouldn't but it's whatever. He's at his parents at the moment so his out of my hair for now. Scar was in her room taking a nap. I kinda wished that I had some help with moving but everyone's busy. Mo is taking care of Karc. Pat is on vacation with John and Jason. Sarah is also on vacation with Danny. I couldn't ask Maureen. She's dealing with three children. It would be too much. At least it's early August so it isn't too hot just rainy. Pretty much all my things are packed. I only had my albums left but they can wait till the end of moving.

It didn't take me long to pack. Four hours tops. Last time it took me a whole day. It was one in the afternoon. Scar was in her play pen playing with her toys. Since she's in there I decided to make myself some yogurt and mixed fruit. Nothing big. While I was eating my lunch the phone rang. At least it rings now instead of in the middle of packing.

"Hello" I answered the phone.

"Hazel doll" Roberts voice chimed through the phone.

"Robert babe. Jimmy's not here."

"Well I didn't want to talk to Jimmy I wanted to talk to you."

"What's up?" I asked.

"How are you feeling? You know since that night."

"Still upset and mad but I can deal."

"That's somewhat good" he laughed, "So did you tell Jimmy yet?"

"No." I said hearing the front door open and closed, "I haven't told Jimmy yet."

"You need to tell him or I will."

"You don't have to" I sighed, "Well Jimmy's here. I have to go."

"Remember tell him or I tell him."

"Yeah, Yeah" I laughed hanging up the phone.

I continue to finish my yogurt in a very quiet kitchen. Soon Jimmy started to talk filling the quietness.

"Who were you on the phone with?" he asked.

"My mother. Why?" I nonchalantly lied.

"What do you have to tell me?"

"Nothing" I lied again.

"There has to be something."

"It's a secret. I can't tell you." I said starting to walk to the bedroom.

"Hazel stop playing games and tell me."

"Well its uhm...kinda hard to uhm say" I tried to take my time telling him.

"Fucking Christ Hazel. Fucking speak."

"Fine." I said facing him, "I had a miscarriage. Happy?"

"You what?"

"You heard me."


"Like you care. All you care about it drinking and underage girls."

"That's not true. I don't care about Lori."

"Yeah okay." I rolled my eyes.

"At least she tells me her problems." As soon as that sentence left his mouth his face turned into the 'oh shit I said to much' face.

I crossed my arms, "She what's?"

"Nothing" he shook his head.

I rolled my tongue against my front teeth, "she tells you her problems?"

He didn't say anything.

"You didn't go to your parents, did you?"


"Where is she Jimmy? In your apartment? Or somewhere else I don't know about?"

"The latter."

"You're sick" I disgustingly said, "You know what?"

"What?" he screamed making Scar cry.

"Take this ring and give it to her since you like girls younger than eighteen." I took off my ring and slammed it on the kitchen table.

"Hazel don't be like this."

I didn't say anything. I just walked right up the stairs to Scars room. Jimmy didn't even dear to follow. I did hear him break whatever he threw on the floor. I also heard Scar cry even louder. I felt tears go down my face and quickly wiped them away. I packed a bag full of diapers and clothes for a week. I'll wash whatever clothes I needed to. I packed in another bag of a blanket and when I get back to the kitchen I'll pack food for her. I left her room and went down to my bedroom. I also packed a week's worth of clothes and my makeup plus toiletries. I walked out of the bedroom and walked passed Jimmy to get Scar.

"Is this the end?" Jimmy asked with his back towards me looking out the window.

"I don't know." I picked up my keys and purse.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. You'll hear from me or I'll just come back. One or the other."

That was all. I left without saying another word. I put Scar into her car seat before I got in the driver's seat. When I was a block away, I parked the car and cried. I just let the tears roll down my face. I don't know where to go. Everyone's on vacation and Richards is on tour. I can't go to my mom's because she lives across the ocean. Maybe Freddie will take me in. Yeah. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to see if Freddie will let me stay. I wiped off my tears and started driving to Freddie's house.


I parked the car in a parking lot a block or two away from Freddie's place. I left my bag in the car but not Scar's bags. I got Scar out of her car seat, grabbed her bags and made my way over to Freddie's house. When I got there I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Hopefully Freddie or Mary were home. I knocked on the door again waited for someone to open the door. Thankfully, Freddie answered the door.

"Hazel what are you doing here?" he asked greeting me.

"Jimmy and I got into a fight. Do you mind if I stay here for a while."

"Not at all." He let me in.

"I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. Your welcome here whenever you want."

"Thanks Freddie." I hugged him, "You don't know how much this means to me."

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