Chapter 21: Time For An Attitude Adjustment

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Chapter 21: Time For An Attitude Adjustment (Harry's P.O.V.)

I seriously didn't know what the hell was wrong with that girl? I ask a simple question and she starts to take all of her anger out on me. Actually, I hadn't even been fully in the door before she had asked me what the hell I was there for.

It was as if she hated me as much as she hated that man. But why did she hate him so much? I wanted so badly to know who the hell that guy was. Louis had suggested going back to Starbucks to ask Ann, but after Taylor's little outburst at me I wanted nothing more than to come back to our little apartment.

I just couldn't understand that girl. If I was trying to talk to any other girl in this city, she would be throwing herself at me. I mean, I didn't want Taylor to throw herself at me, no matter how nice that would be; I really just want her to accept my presence and maybe my friendship. But instead she was set on being a first-class bitch about everything and anything that Louis or I said.

Speaking of Louis, he was still worrying about that strange guy that had been talking to both of the girls. We were equally worried, but we had separated to our rooms the minute we had walked in the front door. I got up from my bed and headed for Louis's room. Two quick raps on the door and I opened it to find Louis upside-down on his bed, head hanging over the edge.

"Have you heard anything from Ann?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah, but every time I bring up that guy, she changes the subject."

I dropped onto the edge of his bed with a sigh. I put my head in my hands, "Why must they be so difficult?"

I felt the bed shift. A moment later, Louis's legs were hanging off the bed beside me as he lay sideways.

"I think Taylor is starting to rub off on Ann," Louis suggested as I watched him lightly kick his feet.

I growled as I shook my head, "That girl needs an attitude adjustment."

"Well, why don't you give it to her?"

I sat there, frozen for a second. That was exactly what I was going to do. I slapped my hand on Louis's knee as I stood up, "Come on."

He leaned up on his elbows so he could see me, "Where are we going?"

"To the girls' apartment," I replied as I headed for my room, slipping my feet into my shoes. I turned as Louis stopped in my doorway.

"Don't tell me," he started as he followed me to the front door. "You want to try to give Taylor an attitude adjustment."

"I'm not going to try," I claimed as I slid into the driver's seat of the car. "I am going to do it."

A sigh left Louis's mouth as I started the car and shifted it into drive, "Don't get your hopes up."

"Why not?" I asked as I pulled out into the street. "And why is that?"

"Because Taylor has a very good habit of letting you down."

He was right. It did seem as if Taylor had a special ability to allow her to always upset and/or piss me off.

"Am I not going to get any support?" I asked. "I'm not even getting the benefit of the doubt here?"

"Oh I'll support you," he responded. "I'll be right behind you. I'll even catch you when Taylor knocks you in the face."

I shook my head as I finished the drive to their apartment building. In only a few minutes, we were dismounting the stairs on their floor. I started to run through what I was going to say to Taylor. Then I heard her voice as I stopped outside her door.

"Hurry up Ann," she was muffled by the door, but I could still hear the impatience in her voice. "We have to hit our quota."

I waited as everything was silent for a second before Taylor spoke again, "Just make sure it's short and showy and it'll be fine."

My eyes widened as I knocked on the door. Footsteps grew closer as I heard Taylor huff, "Who the hell could that be?"

The door opened to reveal a very annoyed Taylor in a short black skirt, tall black boots, and a low red v-neck with a loose cream shirt hanging off her shoulders. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail with the front fluffed up. Everything I was about to say to her left me as I stared; she looked amazing.

"Why the hell are you here?" she demanded in my face.

"" my brain had suddenly shut off. I couldn't believe that I couldn't even function words. Thankfully Louis could.

"We had a question for you and Ann and were in the area," he replied.

Taylor crossed her arms, "Well what's your question?"

Before Louis could speak, Ann walked into view and asked, "Who was it, Tay?"

She was wearing a low, light blue, strapless dress that was just as short as Taylor's skirt. Her hair was pulled half-back, a pair of dangerously tall high heels in her hand. She noticed us and waved, "Oh hey guys."

Taylor spoke harshly, "They just stopped by to ask a question." She turned back to us, "What was your question?"

I suddenly found my voice again and cut Louis off, "Who was that man-"

"Why the hell are you two dressed like that?!"

Louis paused and stared at me, while Ann stared and Taylor got madder.

"It's none of your damn business!" Taylor barked at me.

"What about my question?" Louis asked innocently.

Taylor turned to him and snapped, "That's none of your fucking business either!"

She was really getting on my nerves.

"Why are you being so damn difficult?" I yelled as I stepped forward into their apartment. Suddenly everything I had wanted to say to her came back. "Ann has always been friendly and pleasant with both Louis and I, but you don't seem to know anything except how to be a bitch!"

I could almost see the steam shooting out of her ears. This was definitely going to get interesting.

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