Chapter 10: A Morning Pick-Me-Up

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Chapter 10: A Morning Pick-Me-Up (Louis’s P.O.V.)

                I couldn’t believe that our break was over so soon. I really wasn’t ready to leave, but I really had no choice. On the bright side though, our tour was almost over. Then we would get some time off that we could spend in the states before we headed back home.

                I slowly came back to Earth as my ears caught onto what the radio was playing. I grinned as I began to sing along with “Live While We’re Young”. I’m sure I was granted some odd looks from anyone who spotted me dancing and singing like a maniac in my car, but I didn’t care. I was really just trying to keep myself awake. What I really needed was to get something warm in me.

                As if it were fate, a Starbucks came into my line of sight up ahead. I signaled as I pulled off the road and into the parking lot. This guy needed his morning hot chocolate.

                I slipped on a pair of sunglasses before stepping out of the car. I know it wasn’t a lot for a disguise, but it was best I was going to do right now. I really didn’t have a large amount of energy to put toward that at the moment.

                Thankfully, there weren’t a lot of people sitting around inside. I guess it wasn’t coffee hour yet. That’s a miracle in disguise for me. Ha, disguise! That was a good one. Man, I really need to wake up.

                “Welcome to Starbucks!” a girl smiled at me. “What can I get you today?”

                I returned her smile, “A large hot chocolate. Excuse whip please.”

                She continued to smile as she punched it into the register. “Your total will be $2.78.”

                I handed her the money and she quickly handed back my change.


                I looked at her as she stood there with the Sharpie at the ready. This was the part that I hadn’t completely thought through. What name was I going to give her? After racking my brain for a minute, my light bulb came on, “Tommy.”

                “Okay,” she mumbled as she scribbled it on the cup in thought. “Give me a minute.”

                She turned away and her dark brown ponytail swished around after her. I watched her hair as she walked. My heart skipped a beat. It was her. It was my goddess, there was no mistaking it. I willed myself to take a breath, realizing that my vision was starting to blur from the lack of it.

                ‘Get a hold of yourself Louis!’ I yelled to myself in my head. ‘She doesn’t even know who you are okay? She had to ask what name was to put on your cup.’

                “Here you go, Tommy,” she was back again, smiling. “Sorry for the wait.”

                “No problem,” I forced out as I gave her a quick smile and turned for the door. I needed to get out of here, I needed air.

                I could not relax until I was safely in the driver’s seat again. I let out a loud sigh.

                Moments later, I was mentally smacking myself. How could I have been such an idiot? I hadn’t even think to get her name. I leaned my head onto the top of the steering wheel. I turned my head and looked at my hot chocolate as I reached for it. I paused for a second as my eyes noticed something; there was more writing under my name, but I couldn’t see it for the cup holder.

                I picked up the cup, reading the small message.

                Thanks for the ride the other night :)

                                - Ann

                My eyes widened as I noticed what was written under her name. It was a phone number. I laughed as a huge smile covered my face as headed to meet the guys at the studio. This was going to be a great day.

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