Chapter 19: Chatting At Starbucks

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Chapter 19: Chatting At Starbucks (Ann's P.O.V.)

I was so thankful when Louis texted me to tell me that Taylor was alright. I felt bad for Harry though. I hadn't thought about Taylor yelling at him, but Louis told me that he was pretty mad and upset. I couldn't blame him though, I would be mad too.

"Welcome to Starbucks," I greeted with a smile. "What can I get for you?"

That was my standard greeting for every customer that came in. There were actually quite a few people coming in this afternoon. People don't know how many people come into a Starbucks after two o'clock. There are a lot.

I finished taking the lady's order, before letting out a little sigh. That had been the end of my late afternoon rush. I turned my head and checked the clock behind the counter, it read 3:15pm. No wonder I felt a little tired, that rush had lasted over an hour.

"Hey cutie, can you tell me what time you get off?"

I turned around to meet a familiar pair of blue eyes. I chuckled before leaning onto the counter toward him and playing along, "When you want hot stuff."

We both stayed like that for a moment before we burst out laughing. I could see Harry standing next to him just shaking him head. I really couldn't blame him, Louis and I were being stupid.

"Hey," Louis said as he finished laughing. "Are you busy after work?"

I nodded my head sadly, "I'm sorry. I am."

"What do you have going on?" Harry asked.

"Nothing really," I shook my head, trying to come up with some kind of excuse. "Taylor and I had plans."

"Could those plans for two become plans for four?" Louis asked as he wiggled an eyebrow at me.

Only if he knew that those plans were for so much more than just two. I didn't even want to know how many guys would be involved. I sadly shook my head in response, "Sorry."

"Aw..." Louis began to whine, "Why not? Come on. You know you want some Tommo time?"

He started to wiggle his eyebrows again as Harry shook his head again. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit even though my insides were churning; I couldn't let them know what was really going on.

"I'm sorry guys," I answered reluctantly. "Maybe next time?"

A sigh of disappointment escaped Louis's lips before he replied, "Okay."

"You'll be okay Louis," Harry said as he patted the pouty-lipped Tomlinson on the back. "You can hang out with her next time."

"But I wanna hang out now," Louis whined as he pretended to throw a little fit. I couldn't help but giggle. He was acting like such a little kid. It was actually kind of cute.

"I'm sorry, Louis," I apologized, "I wish I could."

"Ok..." Louis drug out his word as he lowered his head and stuck his lower lip out.

"Excuse me," a voice sounded from behind the boys. I went into my regular greeting, "Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you today?"

I looked up to realize who I had just spoken to. There was no mistaking that clean brown hair and menacing hazel eyes. It was the man who was making my life a living hell every night. Carson.

"Yes," he smiled at me. "I would like a black coffee with a double whip if you could Ann?"

I didn't look at him as I punched his order into the register, "Will that be all for you today?"

Louis leaned over really quickly and said, "We'll see you later Ann." I gave him a quick smile before he and Harry walked out the door.

"Yes," Carson replied. "And if you wouldn't mind adding it to your tab?"

I wanted to growl but I held it in as I turned to make his coffee. I debated spitting in it for a moment, but decided it would be better not to.

"Here you go sir."

"Thank you," I smirked before he turned away. "Oh and don't get too friendly with your clientele."

A shiver went through me, I didn't like that way that sounded at all.

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