Chapter 11: Dinner Plans

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Chapter 11: Dinner Plans (Taylor’s P.O.V.)

                Ann was in a rather good mood when she got home from work today. I hadn’t gotten a chance to ask her why yet though. She had barely made it through the front door when Michele called her. Michele is one of our friends back home, but she’s closer to Ann.

                Right now, I could faintly hear Ann laughing from her place on her bed. I just flipped through the TV in the living room, trying to find something to watch while I finished my homework. It would be impossible for me to get anything done if I didn’t drowned Ann out. Finally I decided to stop at the Food Network, which was never a good idea. It just made me really hungry.

                “This isn’t getting anywhere,” I mumbled in dismay to myself. I sighed as I closed my Psychology book.

                Then my phone began to buzz. I looked down at it, seeing a name I didn’t want on the caller ID. I answered with an attitude, “What?”

                “Is that how you speak to your employer, Taylor?” his voice came from the speaker. “I thought we had a discussion about this.”

                “Doesn’t mean I listen now does it?” I know I was pushing it, but Carson just got on my last nerve.

                “Anyway,” he started, “I was calling to say that I wanted to apologize for my attitude toward you the other night. It was wrong of me to get you all riled up like that. It would be my honor if you would meet me so I could apologize more formally…dinner maybe?”

                I could feel my jaw hit the floor. Carson just asked me out for dinner to say sorry for being a dick to me.

                “You’re out of your mind if you think I’ll go anywhere with you,” I spat into my phone as I stood to my feet and began to walk the room.

                He just sighed, “Too bad I’ve already made the reservations. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to make Ann come in your place.”

                I could hear the smirk developing on his face as he spoke. I hate this bastard. I listened to Ann laughing with Michele in the other room.

                I gritted my teeth, “What time?”

                “That’s a good girl,” he smiled. “Meet me at your usual spot at nine. Since it’s your night off, just tell Ann that I wanted to talk to you. I wouldn’t want her getting jealous now, would we?”

                I bit my tongue hard as I willed myself not to call Carson every profound word that I could think of or make up, “Whatever.”

                “See you at nine sweetie.”

                Just like that, the line went dead. I threw my phone at the couch, my blood boiling. I hated how he knew exactly how to back me into a corner. All he had to do was mention Ann and I was ready to do what he said. I ground my teeth as I plopped down on the couch, my head going to rest in my hands. I peeked through my fingers at my phone. The screen was still lit up. It’s was almost two, I needed to be getting ready for work.

                I forced myself to my feet, walking into my room. In no time, I was ready and mindlessly heading for the front door. I briefly stopped at the refrigerator to scribble a note on small dry-erase board for Ann.

                Going to work. Have to meet Carson after. On your own for food, don’t leave a mess for me.


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