Chapter 12: Ramblings

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Chapter 12: Ramblings (Ann’s P.O.V.)

                It was getting late and I could tell. At least, my stomach could tell. I was really hungry. I stood from my bed and headed for the kitchen. I needed some food.

                “Hey Taylor!” I called out as I walked past the living room. “Where the heck is the food at?!”

                I realized that there was no response from her room and the living room was empty. I peeked my head into her room finding it empty as well. A look of confusion crossed my face as I walked into the kitchen trying to figure out where my best friend had disappeared to.

                “I wonder where…” I stopped myself as I realized where she must have been. Taylor had to work tonight, that was probably where she had gone.

                I pushed it aside as I opened the fridge. I really wasn’t in the mood for cleaning up a large mess, so whatever I was going to eat needed to be simple. I decided on a simple old ham sandwich. You could never go wrong with that, so I grabbed the ham from the meat tray and headed over for the cabinet for a loaf of bread. I began humming to myself as I made my sandwich.

                I turned back around to chuck the ham back in the fridge when something on the door caught my eye. On the dry erase board there was a little message written on it:

                Going to work. Have to meet Carson after. On your own for food, don’t leave a mess for me.


                I read over the message again as I stood in the kitchen looking like an idiot with my mouth half open. After the third time through it, I continued to put the ham back in the fridge. As I turned back to return the bread to the cabinet, I couldn’t help but think about the second thing Taylor had said. She was meeting up with Carson. Why?

                We had met up with him only a few days ago, and why was he only wanting to see Taylor. I had a bad feeling about this, so I headed back to my room to grab my phone. After a two minute hunt for where it had fallen to, under my bed, I headed back out into the kitchen to collect my food.

                Buzz! Buzz!

                I gazed down at my phone seeing that I was receiving a call. I checked the number, quickly realizing that I had no clue who the hell was calling me. I decided to answer it anyway.

                “Hello?” I said in the phone as I took a bite of my sandwich.

                A British accent sounded from the other end, “Louis.”

                I froze in mid-chew, “Rum rat brwhy mwe agwen?”

                He chuckled, “What?”

                I forced myself to swallow the food in my mouth. I also took another moment to take a breath before replying, “Run that by me again?”

                “Oh,” he responded, a slight chuckle still evident in his voice, “I said that it was Louis. The guy with the tea that you wrote your number on earlier?”

                I was about to respond when he cut me off, “Shit!”

                “What?” I asked extremely confused.

                He began to ramble, “I never told you that my name was Louis. I gave you the name Tommy at the shop this morning, so you might not know who I am. But now you do know who I am because I just told you. Oh, but don’t think that is a bad thing because I want you to know who I am. I mean, I don’t what to hide my identity from you or anything, I want to get to know you. I mean, that is why I called you and-“

                “Louis!” I yelled into the phone.

                “Yes?” he asked as he let out a breath from his speedy rant.

                It was my turn to chuckle at him, “Calm down. I already knew who you were this morning.”

                “Oh,” he sighed into his phone.

                “Yeah,” I started to explain. “Your disguise wasn’t really hard to see through and you panicked when I asked you what your name was. Not to mention, Tommy was not the greatest choice of aliases Tommo.”

                “It was a pretty bad choice wasn’t it?” his British accent asked.

                I smiled. I loved British accents, especially his. I don’t know why, it just seemed to have a light airiness to it that seemed to make me happy. Whoa, Ann, stop your head now.

                “Yeah,” I replied, hoping my pause hadn’t been too obvious.

                “So what are you up to?”

                The question was casual, but it jogged my memory to what I had been doing before Louis had called me.

                I loudly exclaimed, “I needed to call Taylor!”

                “Loudness!” Louis groaned back into the phone.

                “Sorry,” I apologized as I pulled the phone away from my face and put him on speakerphone. I moved my finger over to open my messages when one appeared on my screen and scared me, almost causing me to drop my phone, “Ah!”

                “What is it?” Louis asked, “Are you okay?”

                “Yeah,” I brushed it off. “I’m fine.”

                I noticed that I message was from Taylor, so I opened it. I was hoping that she would answer my question before I even asked it. It would save me the typing and also save me from some of the agony of mentioning Carson’s name to Taylor. She really couldn’t stand the guy.

                However, the message didn’t answer my question. In fact, the message wasn’t from Taylor at all. I could clearly tell from what it said, it was definitely not Taylor.

                “Oh shit…” I muttered more to myself than anything.

                Louis immediately responded, “What’s wrong?”

                “It’s Taylor,” I said softly, barely able to say it. “I have to go find her. She’s in trouble.”

                There was no other way to interpret the text message.

                                You need to come get your little bitch of a friend. Alley on Hopson between Sixth and Seventh.

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