Chapter 2: Our Quota

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Chapter 2: Our Quota (Ann’s P.O.V.)

                I love sleeping. It seems like it is the only time I truly get any peace. That is until my alarm clock goes off for class. I groaned as I reached of my clock, but I couldn’t find it.

                I groaned, “Where the fuck are you?”

                It is easy for anyone to tell that I am not a morning person. I just couldn’t help it, but I love my bed and our arrangement for sleep.

                I finally managed to find it, smacking it off. A sigh escaped my lips as I went back to snuggling with my pillow. It felt so good to stretch back under the covers as I started to relax again. My thoughts began to slip away and as sleep started to wash over me again.

                “Ann,” a voice broke through, “You need to get up and get ready.”

                I groaned as I moved my head over my pillow. I didn’t want to leave my bed.

                “Ann,” a hand rested on my shoulder, “You are going to be late if you don’t get up.”

                I squinted as I peered around my pillow. Taylor was standing over me as she tried to get me to move. I noticed dark circles under her eyes before she turned to go to her room, her bag still slung over her shoulder.

                “Fine,” I said as I forced myself into a sitting position. I glazed over at my clock to see how long I had. I had about thirty minutes to make it to class. This was going to be cutting it close.

                I stood up and moved to grab my clothes. After ten minutes, some cereal, clean clothes, and a hair brush, I was ready to head out the door. I grabbed my bag before walking over to Taylor’s room. I looked inside to see her at her desk trying to do her homework.

                “I’m heading out,” I said from the doorway.

                “Okay,” she turned her office chair to look at me. “Don’t be late and be careful.”

                “Got you,” I replied as I turned away, “You get some sleep.”

                “Okay,” she replied before I was out the front door and headed for my car. I checked how much gas I had as I started my car. I noticed that the tank had been filled up and I don’t remember doing it. Taylor must have taken my car this morning and filled it up. I sighed as I pulled out into the street. Taylor was always playing the older sibling to me, even though she might as well be. We have been together for so long that we were practically sisters already, but I didn’t expect her to do all the things that she had for me.

                It took me fifteen minutes before I had reached the parking lot at school. I grabbed my stuff from my car and headed for my class. A growl left my throat as I looked at the long walk I had to get to there. I was just too tired for all of this stuff today. These late nights were going to be the death of me and Taylor. I could see that from how exhausted she looked this morning when she got home from class. I had a feeling that I was going to be after I got through mine.

                “Picking up where I left off yesterday…” the professor started.

                It didn’t take me very long to zone out. I knew that I should be paying attention, but my mind was definitely not here today. So I decided to just let my mind have its way and wonder for no reason. I thought to what I was going to do when I got out of class. I was going to go back home and get some lunch and relax until I had to go work later. Then we had to go stop by the office before we went out to do our rounds tonight. Well, my rounds. Taylor didn’t have to do any of this, but she did because she didn’t like the idea of me doing it in the first place.

                She said that we had made our quota last night too and I’m not sure how. I’m not even sure how many guys I had to blow last night and I hadn’t even gotten half of it. The only way that it had been reached was if she was starting to let the clients do more. We were only getting them off and not letting them do anything to us. She had to have started to let them do more, that or she had taken a lot more clients than usual last night.

                I was broke from my thoughts by the rustling sound of papers. I blinked a few times as I realized that the lecture was over and everyone was getting ready to leave. I rejoiced as I grabbed my things and nearly ran to my car. In no time at all, I was back at the apartment and ready for a little relaxation.

                “I’m back!” I called as I closed the front door behind me. I was greeted by silence.

                “Taylor?” I called as I set my bag down on the couch and walked over to her room. Peering inside, I quickly noticed that she wasn’t there. A panic rose in me as I began to search the apartment for any sign of her. I came up empty. Where could she be? I know I had seen her car in her spot.

                I darted back out of the apartment to find her. My breathing uneven as I sprinted down the Florida street blocks trying to find my best friend. I began to slow down as my worry grew more.

                Then I found her and I was filled with sadness. She had to long red hair was pulled up in a high ponytail dressed in a black strapless mini dress and black boots. She was standing under an overpass, leaning into a car and talking to someone. I immediately knew what she was doing.

                Taylor had lied to me last night. We had not reached out quota and now she was trying to make it up. I turned and began to walk away heartbroken. This was all my fault.

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