Chapter 6: Daydreaming of a Goddess

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Chapter 6: Daydreaming of a Goddess (Louis’s P.O.V.)

                Oh, my beautiful goddess, why must you evade me so?

                Okay, that was kind of weird. But I couldn’t help it, that was how I felt. After Harry’s little confession, I began to think about those two mysterious girls myself. When I had saw them all I could think about was how I wanted to know who they were. Then she turned around. Everything seemed to go into slow-motion as her brown hair swooped around her as she turned to look at me, her blue eyes met mine. I swear my heart stopped. God, I sound like a girl.

                “Hey,” Harry’s voice broke through my daydream, “Are you daydreaming over there?”

                I blinked a few times, “I could be.”

                “Mate,” he smirked, “Just admit it. You were daydreaming about getting some.”

                I shook my head at him, “Nope. And you really don’t have any room to talk over there, now do you?”

                There was no response from Harry as he continued to head back. I checked the time on the radio display. It was after eleven. A yawn escaped me as I thought of how much I longed to be in bed asleep at the moment.

                “Oh mate,” Harry yawned, “Stop it.”

                This made me yawn again, “You’re not helping any.”

                He yawned again, which lead to me yawning yet again. The cycle just kept continuing for about five minutes.

                “This is ridiculous,” I yawned for about the two hundredth time.

                Harry replied with a yawn, “No kidding.” He pulled into the parking garage as we both continued to yawn.

                “Get out,” he ordered as he turned off the ignition. I didn’t argue as I opened the passenger door and got out. I looked away from Harry as I yawned again. There was a moment and he didn’t yawn again.

                “Thank god,” I exclaimed as we both headed over to the entrance to the hotel. It was really good to have a few days off here and there with this new tour. Just like how today was the first day in a six day break that we were having in Florida. I’m pretty satisfied that the break was in Florida. I know Liam was too, because the two of us could actually go out and catch a few waves before we got wiped out by some crazy fans.

                We were walking through the lobby of the hotel by now, making our way over to the elevators. I pressed the up button and tried to wait patiently for an elevator. Humming to myself to try and pass the time, Harry gave me a funny look.

                “Are you trying to get us noticed?”

                I shrugged my shoulders at him as a ding sounded in front of us. We walked into the elevator as I went over to press our floor number.

                I paused, “Harry, what floor are we on?”

                He looked at me, “22.”

                “Thanks,” I said as I pressed it and the elevator took off. In a matter of moments we were on our floor and headed down the hallway to our hotel room. The room that we have gotten was some kind of special suite that was like a five bedroom apartment. It was pretty sweet, but I could do without hearing the others all night long.

                “We’re back,” Harry called as we walked in.

                “It’s about time,” Zayn said from his spot in a recliner.

                Liam added from the couch, “Did you guys get lost?”

                I shook my head no as I walked over to the couch and forced Liam to sit up straight. Harry came over and sat on the other couch as I noted that Niall was absent.

                “Food!” Niall called as he came running into the room from our small kitchen.

                I stopped and looked over at Harry. He looked at me and we both sighed.

                “What?” Liam looked over at me.

                “We left the food in the car.”

                Zayn clapped at us, “Nice one.”

                “Oh hush,” Harry said as he rose to his feet. I followed suit.

                “We’ll be back,” I said as we headed for the front door again.

                “Just hurry back,” Niall yawned. Harry and I both glared at him before we too yawned.

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