Chapter 17: Checking On Her

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Chapter 17: Checking On Her (Harry’s P.O.V.)

                I was lying in my bed in nothing but my boxers. I had been like this for the last two days, ever since we got back from finding Taylor beaten up in an alleyway. I just couldn’t get it off my mind. Taylor had seemed to just brush the whole thing off like it wasn’t that big of a deal and what was with Ann panicking when we mentioned taking her to the hospital?

                It just seemed a little funny to me. I wish we would have taken her, because there was no telling just how bad her injuries really were. I really wanted to know if she was doing okay. And that was just what I was going to do.

                I stood to my feet and grabbed some jeans from my messy floor, giving them a quick sniff to make sure that they didn’t stink. I pulled them on and made a mental note to do my laundry when I got home.

                Heading out of my room, I peeked into Louis’s room to see that he wasn’t there. I turned toward the front door. I guess I would go to Taylor and Ann’s apartment by myself. I didn’t mind. Maybe the drive all alone could help me clear my head even though I had been alone for the last two days.

                I hopped into my current car and headed off down the street. Ten minutes later, I was standing outside of the apartment complex that the girls lived in. As I began to mount the stairs up to their apartment, I noticed a figure coming back down the other way.

                “Hey Ann,” I called.

                She stopped a looked for my voice before finding me, “Oh hey Harry.”

                I walked up to her, “How’s Taylor doing?”

                “Pretty good,” she nodded her head before shaking it. “I think she’s trying to do too much too fast though.”

                “That’s seem like something she would do,” I nodded. With the way that she was about everything it wasn’t hard to imagine her trying to do stuff around the apartment while Ann tried to get her to sit back down.

                “Do you think she would kill me if I came in?” I asked.

                She nodded her head, “She would if she was home.”

                I raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean if she was home? Where is she?”

                A sigh escaped Ann’s lips as she shook her head again, “She’s down at the clothes store. She went into work this morning.”

                I stared her in minor disbelief, “You’re kidding me right?”

                “I wish I was,” she shook her head again. “Would you mind checking on her for me? That’s where I was headed, but I really need to finish my homework.”

                “Yeah,” I nodded, “I don’t mind at all.”

                “Okay,” she smiled, “Thanks.”

                She waved as she turned and ascended back up the stairs. I gave a small wave back before I turned and headed back out toward my car. I couldn’t believe that Taylor went to work. She couldn’t be doing that great already. Two days ago, she could barely walk without Ann helping her to the couch. It just aggravated me. It seemed as if Taylor didn’t care about herself at all.

                The next five minutes seemed like an hour as I parked my car outside Boardwalk Caz, my eyes peering into the large display windows as I tried to get a glimpse of her. There she was. Taylor was smiling at a customer from behind the counter as they turned away and headed out the door. I watched as a grimace came across her face before she sat down on a chair that was behind the counter. She was exhausted and didn’t need to be working.

                I walked up to the door.

                “Welcome to Boardwalk Caz,” Taylor stood with a smile until her eyes landed on me. “What are you doing here?”

                “I came to check on you for Ann,” I answered truthfully. There really wasn’t any reason to say otherwise.

                “I’m doing just fine,” she barked back at me. “Thanks for the thought, but you can go now.”

                Okay, I was getting really sick of her crumby attitude toward me, especially when I was just checking on her well-being.

                “What is your problem?” I asked.

                She turned back and looked at me, “What?”

                “You heard me,” I responded, “What is your problem? I come out here to see you and all you want to do is bitch at me! Even when Louis and I waited for you to wake up after I had to carry you out of that alleyway, you didn’t even give as much as a thank you. I want to know what is your problem?”

                She just stared back at me in disbelief before walking over to me, “That’s none of your damn business. If don’t want to share anything with you is my business and none of yours.”

                A growl formed in my throat but I held it back, “Why won’t you let anyone in?”

                “That’s none of your damn business!” she screamed in my face.

                I turned away and stormed toward the door, “Whatever! You are so ungrateful.”

                With that, I was out of the shop and headed toward my car. I just wanted to get away from there before I went back in there and said a few more choice words to her that I knew I would regret.


I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. Between getting everything straight from my car accident and trying to make up my mind on college and working, I let my writing time slip away into rest time. I'm sorry but here is a new chapter and I hope you all like it!

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