Chapter 4: Getting Picked Up

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Chapter 4: Getting Picked Up (Ann’s P.O.V.)

                I didn’t want to do this. I wasn’t ready to do this. I was in a slight panic as I leaned on the outside wall of the club waiting on Taylor. She hadn’t come out yet and I was starting to get worried. I shouldn’t have left her in there with all of those creeps, but what could I have done?

                Then she came out of the club and a wave of relief washed over me. I ran over to her and hugged her.

                “Are you okay?”

                She nodded, “Yeah. Let’s get going before he decides to change our terms so there aren’t any.”

                She walked passed me. I watched after her for a moment before following. Whatever had happened in there, it was really bothering her.

                I walked behind her with my head hung down in shame. This was all my fault. If I hadn’t been so stupid as to fall for Carson’s scheme, we would be home asleep right now and enjoying our college life. Or at least, what little of our college life that we had left. We had almost completed our accelerated schooling and were going to be graduating soon.

                Life was not how we had planned it at all. Taylor and I had made plans to move out into the world and find good jobs and have normal lives, well as normal as we could be. Instead, I had to go and fuck everything up.

                I looked up at Taylor’s walking figure. She was my sister and I knew that she had plans for her future and I knew that she could take herself anywhere, but that was before.

                “Hey,” her voice sounded, “Earth to Space Cadet Ann. This is Houston, do you copy? Over.”

                I grinned at her act and placed a finger to my right ear, “This is Space Cadet Ann. Over.”

                She grinned at me as she came back and wrapped her left arm around my shoulders, “It’s good to have you back.”

                “It’s good to be back.”

                We continued to walk down the street with arms around each other. This was our time and we weren’t going to let everything else ruin that.

                “Hey, do you girls need a lift?”

                Or so I thought as we turning to find the source of the voice. My eyes landed on a boy, who couldn’t be much older than us, that was hanging out of the window of a dark colored Range Rover. He had sandy brown hair that was messy and wore a striped shirt with blue eyes. They were what I noticed first. Even though we were feet apart, I could see how bright blue his eyes were.

                I felt Taylor give my shoulder a little squeeze. I knew what she was saying. Be strong. These may be clients and Carson had just changed the rules.

                “That would be nice,” Taylor gave a soft smile that I could see right through.

                “Then hop in,” the boy said as he waved for us to come over. That was when I realized that he wasn’t American, he had a British accent.

                My heart raced as I walked over to the car behind Taylor. She opened the back door and slid over behind the driver as I said behind the British guy. I pulled my skirt down before reaching for the seat belt.

                “Everyone ready?” the one driving ask as he peered at us through the rearview mirror. He was British too, though his hair was a darker brown and a mess of curls. I tried to see his eye color but he looked away too fast.

                “So where are you girls off to?” the first guy asked as he turned back to look at us.

                I decided that there was no reason in lying, “We have to go to work.”

                “Oh is that so?” the driver asked, “May I know where that might be so I can drop you lovely ladies off?”

                I felt a panic raise in my chest. I didn’t want these guys to know what we were heading out to do. I just afraid that if that found out that they might want us to do something.

                But Taylor came to the rescue, “I don’t think so.” She still carried her soft smile, “We only just met.”

                He nodded his head for a moment, “I suppose that’s fair.”

                “Here will do,” Taylor said as she pointed to the sidewalk outside my window.

                The boy pulled over slowly and unlocked the doors so we could exit. I stepped out and pulled my skirt down again as I began to feel exposed out in the open again. Taylor slid out behind me and closed the door. She turned back to the guys and said, “Thanks for the ride.”

                “It was no problem,” the driver told her.

                His buddy added, “You girls be careful.”

                And then just like that they were gone. A part of me didn’t want them to go, but I knew they had to. And besides, we had to get to work.

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