Chapter 7: Rise and Shine

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Chapter 7: Rise and Shine (Taylor’s P.O.V.)

                I was nearly getting sick of this no sleep deal. Sadly, I was starting to get used to it. Fuck you Carson.

                I growled through those thoughts as I smacked my alarm clock and sat up. It was time to get up and go to work for the day. I was going into a new month of school which means that my schedule was going to change. Oh the joys of accelerated college, isn’t it just great?

                “Stretch, shower, clothes, PopTart, car, work, class…” I mumbled to myself as I pushed myself to my feet and stretched. Scratching my head, I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked rather attractive with massive bedhead and bags under my eyes.

                “Good morning sunshine,” I muttered to myself, turning to my shower. Steam quickly began to fill the room as I undressed and jumped in. The hot water felt so good as it streamed down my body. I lathered up my hair and just stood there thinking as I let the shampoo run down my body. It felt so good to clean up, especially after last night.

                Ann and I had gotten our quota last night, but we refused to up our offerings. Our clothes were staying on.

                “Hey,” someone pounded on the bathroom door, “Hurry up! I have to pee.”

                I sighed as I called back, “Give me a minute!”

                I quickly finished washing before hopping out and grabbing a towel. I wrapped it around myself before I moved to head out of the bathroom. Ann darted passed me, nearly knocking me down.

                “About time,” she said as she slammed the door behind her.

                I stopped for a moment, “Hey why don’t you use your own bathroom?”

                A voice answered through the door, “So I don’t have to clean it.”

                I shook my head as I headed to my room. In roughly five minutes, I was dried off and in my clothes. I was ready to go.

                “Be back later!” I called into the apartment as I headed out the door. I locked the door behind me as I pulled my bag up on my shoulder more. This was going to be one of my really long days.

                Twenty minutes later, I was pulled into the back parking lot of my work. I work for a clothing chain that has a few bases here in Orlando. It’s called Boardwalk Caz. I’m not really sure how they came up with the name, but it seemed to be catchy.

                “Morning Taylor,” the girl behind the counter said as she sipped at her cup of coffee.

                “Morning Janet,” I replied as I headed to put my bag up and change into my work shirt.

                “How was your night?” Janet asked as I slid next to her behind the counter after one of our many rushes later in the day.

                I shrugged my shoulders, “Same old, same old.”

                “Ah,” she grumbled, “That’s no fun. Girl, you need to go out and have some fun. Maybe find a boy toy.” She nudged me with her elbow at the last part.

                I shook my head, “Yeah right.”

                Janet shook her brunette head, “You never even try to find someone, so how can you say that.”

                I never tried because I never had the time to, but she didn’t know this. I would love to have a boyfriend, but it wasn’t a good idea with what I had to do at night. It would just make everything awkward.

                “Just lighten up and try, Taylor.” She said to me, “You need someone.”

                I nodded my head, “Yeah, yeah,” as I turned to go about to the locker room. The day flew by and before I knew it my shift was over and it was time for me to head off toward class. I hoped that we were going to have something easy but fun to do today. I wasn’t up for group work or having to think.

                “See you Janet,” I waved as I headed for the door with my bag in tow.

                “Start looking,” she called after me as I walked out the door.

                I just shook my head as I turned to walk to class. I needed to save my gas and it wasn’t that far from here. Just to inform everyone, the real world is definitely overrated.

                “Hey!” I heard someone calling. I instantly recognized the voice, but it took me a minute to place it. Then I noted that it was British. My mind flashed back to the two boys that had given us a ride last night. I turned around to see a boy with dark curly hair jogging toward me.

                “What a coincidence,” he said with a slight pant as he stopped next to me. “How are you doing?”

                I looked at him for a moment before muttering, “Fine.”

                “That’s good.”

                It was weird how casual he was being with me. I had only met the boy last night when he offered Ann and me a ride. Now that I thought of it, I didn’t even know his name. I looked back up at him, my green eyes meeting his. Then something inside me clicked.

                “So,” he started, “Are you heading anywhere? I know this nice little sandwich shop if you’re hungry.”

                I could feel my heart starting to race. He was trying to ask me out to lunch. And I knew who he was now, and I could believe that I hadn’t noticed it earlier.

                “I’m actually heading to class,” I replied with a soft smile. I didn’t want to seem rude but I couldn’t go with him.

                “Oh,” he said a little sadly. “Well I could walk you.” He perked up as soon as he suggested it.

                I shook my head, “Thanks for the offer, but I got it.” I turned and began to trek down the street. My steps were a little quick, but I couldn’t stand here and talk for him.

                “Well okay,” he called after me, “But what’s your name?”

                I acted as I didn’t hear him as I headed on. I was in too much to meet anyone new, especially not Harry Styles.

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