Chapter 14: Why The Hell Are They Here?!

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Chapter 14: Why The Hell Are They Here?! (Taylor’s P.O.V.)

                I was hurting like no fucking other. The sad part was I could only remember why in bits and pieces. I remember Carson trailing behind as his bodyguards drug me backwards down that alley. I was thrown into a wall, bouncing my head off the brick. Before I slide down to the ground, a fist made contact with my abdomen. I groaned as I shot back and bounced my head off the wall again. I remember sliding to the pavement then groaning as I tried to breathe. Then everything was a blur. I could remember hearing some voices before everything went black.

                But now I was laying on my back staring up at the ceiling of my room and I had no idea how I got here. I turned my head and glanced at my clock, 7:42am. I started to push myself up in bed, but immediately regretted it as my head felt as if it had exploded. I decided that my best bet was to lay back down and wait for Ann to come in and explain what had happened to me.

                As if she had read my mind, my door slowly creaked open and her brown hair slipped into view as she peeked inside.

                “I’m awake,” I mumbled.

                She ran in and landed on the floor beside my bed, “How do you feel? What happened? Are you okay?”

                “Ann, calm down,” I looked at her. “I feel fine unless I sit up. And I got mugged what else do you think happened?”

                She looked down after my last words. I could barely hear the words she mumbled, “You went to meet Carson and then you end up like this.”

                I could hear how broken she was over this whole thing. She was blaming herself again. I was just about to say something when another head popped in the door.

                “How is she doing, Ann?” a familiar looking brunette asked.

                My eyes widened as I realized who was sticking his head in my room. I pushed myself upright as Ann answered him as she plastered a fake smile on her face.

                “She’s doing okay.”

                I looked at him, “Could you give us a minute please?”

                He nodded, “Sure thing.”

                As I soon as my door was closed, I turned back to Ann. “What the hell is he doing here?”

                “I was on the phone with him when I was told to come and get you,” she looked down a little as she said it.

                I raised an eyebrow at her, “How were you on the phone with him?”

                She scratched the side of her head, “He came into work yesterday and I left my number on his cup.”

                I shook my head at her. I was happy for her and how she was talking to the Louis Tomlinson, but I was worried about when the truth came out and so was she.

                “But that doesn’t tell me why he is here?”

                Her gaze shifted downward again, “He helped me get you.”

                “What?!” I exclaimed as I stood up, “What would you have done if Carson had been there?! How would you have played that off?!”

                Ann was fully looking at the floor now as I walked over to my dresser. I placed a hand on it to steady myself. The world was only slightly spinning and I didn’t want to let it show. As I was trying to cool, a small voice sounded from behind me.

                “So he did do this to you.”

                I turned and looked in the mirror that was attached to it. I could tell that someone had tried to clean my face as my hair was damp and pushed away from my forehead, revealing the ugly gash in my head. There was bruising on my face too. I looked like shit.

                I looked back to Ann. She was heartbroken. She thought she had done this to me.

                “Ann,” I stepped toward her but didn’t leave my dresser. “It’s fine.”

                “No it isn’t,” she tried to say calming but I heard her voice crack.

                “You didn’t do any of this,” I explained. “Carson had my beat up for being rude to him the other night. I brought this on myself.”

                She shifted her eyes to look at me. I could see the tears that were trying to form there.

                There was a knock on my bedroom door that probably couldn’t have been at a worst time.

“Go away!” I yelled as I took a step toward Ann, leaving my dresser. That was a bad idea. As soon as I was free of any support, the world turned on its side and before I knew it, I was on lying on my bedroom floor.

“Taylor!” Ann shouted as she leapt toward me, “Are you okay?!”

“I’m fi…,” I began to say, but was interrupted as someone barged into my room.

“What’s wrong?! Is Taylor okay?”

                I stared at the dark curly-haired boy with a dumb-found look on my face. His green eyes found Ann sitting next to me as I lay on my floor. I think he noticed the looks that we were both wearing because he didn’t leap to my side like Ann had.

                “I’m fine Harry,” I sighed, “Just go back in the living room and wait. We’ll be out in a few.”

                He stood there and stared at me for a moment before mumbling, “Yeah, oh okay.” He turned and pulled the door closed behind him.

                “What’s up with him?” Ann asked.

                I just shook my head, “I’m not sure I want to know.”

                I put my arms under me and started to push myself up into a sitting position. Ann scooted closer to help keep me steady.

                “What happened?”

                I turned to her as I thought, “I showed up to meet Carson and then his goons dragged me into the alley and started hitting me.” I paused, “That’s all I can remember.”

                Ann just nodded her head as she helped me to my feet. As she reached for my door, I looked away from her. There was something else that I wasn’t telling her; it was something that Carson had said that was still haunting me.

                “Next time you show that attitude to me, I’ll show you what your job is supposed to be.”

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