Chapter 15: The Lies

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Chapter 15: The Lies (Ann’s P.O.V.)

                I sat down on the couch next to Taylor, trying to keep my gaze down. I felt bad for bringing Louis and Harry into this, but I felt worst for Taylor’s beating. No matter how many times she told me it wasn’t my fault, I still blamed myself.

                “Are you okay, Taylor?” Harry was asking, “Are you sure you shouldn’t be laying down?”

                Taylor raised a hand toward him, “Yeah, I’m sure.”

                I just sat there quietly, getting pulled into my head, ‘You idiot! You really fucked up this time! Not only did you get Taylor into this mess; you also brought the guys into the middle of all of this. Exactly like she didn’t want! Why am I such a fucking idiot?!’

                “Ann,” I looked up at Louis, “Are you okay?”

                I put on a fake smile and replied, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

                I knew I had to act like I was because I couldn’t let the guys knew what was really going on. They couldn’t know about Carson or what we had to do for him every night.

                “Harry,” Taylor spoke with slight aggravation in her voice, “I already told you. I’m fine.”

                “I just want to make sure,” he insisted. “You scared the shit out of all of us.”

                “Well, I’m doing just great.” She declared, “So you can leave.”

                I watched a hurt expression cover Harry’s face. A part of me wanted to say something to Taylor, Harry really did care about her, but I knew that she would hear nothing of it.

                Harry hung his head, “If that’s what you want.” There was a pause, “Come on Louis.”

                Harry stood to his feet, shortly followed by Louis. I got up with them, “I’ll walk you guys out.”

                As we reached the door, I turned back to them, “Thank you both so much for helping me earlier.”

                “It was nothing,” Louis said as I opened the front door. Harry slid out almost immediately without a word. Taylor had really hurt him.

                I watched as he disappeared from view, “Can you tell him I’m sorry for how Taylor is acting? She’s just still upset that she was jumped.”

                Louis nodded his head at me, “Sure thing.”

                I smiled back at him, “Thanks.”

                “It’s no problem.” There was moment of silence, “Ann, are you sure you guys don’t know who did this to Taylor?”

                My sides were running around in all different directions as they panicked. I just nodded my head as I tried to hide it all, “Yeah. Taylor would have told me if she had known who had done this.”

                That wasn’t a lie. She had told me who had done this, she just didn’t want the guys to know so I just had to hide that fact.

                “Okay,” Louis slightly nodded as he turned for the door. “Well, I’ll see you later, Ann.”

                “I’ll see you,” I smiled back as I closed the door behind him. I didn’t want to tell him that I didn’t know if that would ever happen again since he and Harry were too close to knowing the truth.

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