Chapter 22: None Of Your Fucking Business

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Chapter 22: None Of Your Fucking Business (Taylor's P.O.V.)

Harry had some nerve just coming into our apartment as he called me a bitch.

"Excuse me?!" I yelled, "I'm a bitch just because I don't want to share my personal business with two guys that I barely know?!"

Harry was leaning into my face as he yelled back with the same force, "You won't even give us a chance to even be your friends!"

"Maybe I don't want you for friends!"

There was a silence as we gazed into each other's face as we caught our breath. I could see him trying to think of what to say next. Of course, when had anyone ever turned down the friendship of the almighty Harry Fucking Styles, he probably wasn't even sure what to say.

"Well, I'm sorry," he growled lowly, "That answer just won't cut it."

I growled back with no words at first, just the fierce sound from my throat, "Well, I hate to tell you that that is the only answer you are fucking getting."

"No it isn't!" I yelled in my face. He was having any concerns of what was a part of my personal space and what wasn't. He wasn't having any concern about what was my personal business either.

I held my ground, "If I say that is my answer, then that is the only fucking answer that you are getting!"

"Stop closing yourself off!" Harry yelled right back, "I'm not stupid! I know there is something that you two aren't tell us!"

I felt my heart skip a beat. He couldn't know. They couldn't find out what we were really doing, where we were headed. Hell, they couldn't even know how we got in this damn mess in the first place. I didn't care how much Harry, or Louis, wanted to argue with me, there was no way in hell I was going ot tell them anything.

"There is nothing more that I want to tell you!"

"That isn't going to cu-!"

Harry and I were both cut off as Ann and Louis stepped in between us. I forced us to take a step back, trying to get the both of us to calm down a little.

"Man, I don't think this is the way you ought to be going about this." Louis said.

Ann looked at me, worry in her eyes, "He only means well, Taylor."

I looked at her, some of my anger toward Harry spilling toward her. She was taking his side. I couldn't believe it, she was actually standing up for him.

"Whose side are you on?" I whispered to her. "You know what would happen if they knew."

Ann looked down, "I know. But he doesn't mean anything by it. He's only worried about you."

I just continued to look at her. I knew that she was telling me what I should already know, and part of me did know. The other part of me was just trying to protect us. I knew that there was no way that I could get close to these two. I wouldn't be able to hold myself back and I would spill my guts to them, especially with how pushy I've seen Harry can be. I needed to vent, I needed to get all of this out of my system.

This was when Louis decided to join the conversation, "Ann's right, Taylor. We're only worried about you."

"Or did you forget about when we picked you up the other day?" Harry muttered under his breath. He looked at me, the hard look from moments before had faded into one of concern.

I knew what he was talking about. The night in the alley with Carson's thugs. The night I had been so stupid as to play along with his stupid little game. But what choice had I had? If I hadn't have gone, he would have forced Ann into going and I couldn't let that happen. My mind wondered to finding her in the alley all beaten and bruised. There was no way that I would have ever let that happen to her.

That night, Louis and Harry had come and helped Ann bring me home. I don't know who carried me, but I would guess that it was Harry. That night, he seemed so worried about me after I woke up and I was a total bitch. I know I shouldn't have, but what else could I do? I couldn't say anything, because once I opened my mouth I don't think I would have been able to stop.

Harry continued to look at me with those hurt eyes, "What happened that night?"

My chest ached as I wanted to spill everything. I turned my gaze away from him.

"I need some air."

Withthat, I walked around the three of them and headed out into the night.b

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