Chapter 8: What Is Wrong With You?

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Chapter 8: What Is Wrong With You?! (Ann’s P.O.V.)

                I was just sitting in home bored out of my mind. A part of me was wishing that I had to work today, but I knew that if that really happened I would regret it. I would just have to settle with being home all by myself with my laptop. It was serving for some entertainment, but it was lacking a little.

                Then Taylor got home and she was in a frenzy. To be honest, I haven’t seen Taylor this lively in a long time. She came home from her long day of work and school and she was wired. She was talking at least one hundred miles an hour and I couldn’t understand a word that she was saying, and I can always understand her.

                I lay on the couch as I had been, with my head in my hand. I waited patiently, hoping she would slow down on her own. But she didn’t.


                “Yeah?” she replied about as quickly as she had been talking before.

                “Slow down,” I put my hand up to motion this, “Start over and speak in English to where I can understand you.”

                She nodded her head as she caught her breath. “I ran into one of the guys from last night.”

                I raised an eyebrow at her, “Really? Which one?”

                “The one that was driving,” she started, “But that’s not the thing Ann.”

                Taylor seemed panicky and it was worrying me some. “What?”

                “It’s who they are. Who they are.” Then she went off on another rambling fit, “I can’t believe we didn’t realize who they were last night, but then I ran into him this afternoon on my way to class and it all just clicked. We should have noticed! And then to top all of that off, he was trying to get me to go to lunch with him. That isn’t possible. Just look at who he is and me. That would never work, not to mention all of this shit that is going on with Carson’s sorry ass.”

                “Taylor!” I hollered as I sat up, “Whoa.”


                I nodded, “Back up. Who is this he?”

                “The guy who was driving last night.”

                I wanted to slap my forehead but I resisted, “Who was driving last night?”

                “They were,” she was flailing her arms in the air and beginning to get frantic again.

                I stood up and grabbed her shoulders, “Taylor, who the fuck picked us up last night?”

                “Harry and Louis.”

                I looked at her in confusion for a moment. Then it all became clear. We had been picked up by two of the members of One Direction last night and then today one of them had come on to Taylor.

                “Wait a minute,” I started, “You got asked out on a date by Harry Styles? You lucky ass.”

                I watched her face turn red, “Oh shut up.” She pulled away from me and picked her bag back up. She turned and headed toward her room. It was getting late and we needed to be heading out soon. I had already gotten dressed for the night, but Taylor still needed to.

                “So what happened?”

                She sighed as she put her bag down on her bed, “I told him no.”

                My eyes widened at her, “You did what?”

                “Ann, what in the world makes you think I even have a chance with him anyway?”

                “Um well let’s see,” I acted as if I were thinking, “He came up to you and asked.”

                She shook her head at me as she pulled out a pair of black mini-shorts to change into. I leaned on the doorframe into her room as I waited on her to respond. But she said nothing as she moved to her bed to pull on her black boots.

                “Come on Ann,” she then started, “Be serious.”

                “I am.” I defended, “If some guy makes an effort to go out on a date with you, he is trying to be with you.”

                She shook her head at me. I knew that what I was saying was not doing any good.

                “Well, what did he say when you said that you couldn’t go out to lunch?”

                She shrugged her shoulders, “He offered to walk me to class.”


                “I told him that I could manage myself.”

                Both of my hands flew up to my head, “What is wrong with you?”

                She turned to me, “Nothing.”

                “Okay fine,” I grumbled, “Then what happened next?”

                “I left,” Taylor said as she stood to her feet to find a shirt for tonight.

                I felt as if I was about to attack my best friend because of her stupidity, “You left him there! Do you have any idea how that could have made him feel?!”

                She spun around to look at me, “He is Harry the fucking Styles! I think he can manage to find another girl for lunch!” She stopped abruptly and an expression of thought crossed her face.


                “But something doesn’t add up…”

                “What doesn’t?” I asked as my curiosity began to grow.

                She looked at me, “He asked me what my name was as I was leaving… a guy normally asks that before he asks you out…”

                My eyes widened a little as I looked at her, “That means he wasn’t thinking straight…”

                We both just stood there and looked at each other for a moment before I broke the silence, “So what did you tell him your name was?”

                Taylor looked away from me as I asked the question. I could tell her answer just from her expression. She hadn’t given him a name.

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