The Return: Chapter 1

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*Two Months Ago*

Running, running, a river that runs red

Till they, till they, till they are all dead

Hear me, hear me, you know what I want to do

See me, see me, what I do to you

 "Vex, are you okay?" I jumped, my eyes darting to the side. "Vex, you need to talk to me alright?" I shook my head, closing my eyes and trying to block everything out. How could I? "Would it help to bring in your friend" Emma. Emma was here too. Emma.... I shook my head. My theripist sighed. 

"You need to speak to me. I heard about the incident. Someone came into your room last night. Was it Emma?" I shook my head. 

Your friends, your friends, how can I tell you this

They will, they will soon begin to miss

"Vex, what was the music we heard?" Shaking my head, I let out a strangled sob, pushing my back into the chair. "Tell me!" The therapist's eyes grew angry. 

"No, no, no-" I moaned, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Spill it, spill it, spill it onto the floor

All of the blood and the gore

"Vex." The therapists voice was softer now, her hand slowly reaching out and touching mine. "Talk to me, what was the music about?" Looking into her steel grey eyes, I sighed. 

"My friends." 



My head leaned uncomfortably on the car window, my eyes closed and my headphones in as I tried to block out the world. Beside me, was Jake surprisingly. Emma and I had been released yesterday and, though Ms. Duval had offered a ride for me, I knew that I needed some space from Emma for a bit. After everything that I had happened, we weren't on the same script right now. So, I had texted the two people who had bothered to try and keep in touch with me. Brooke and Jake. Brooke had been busy, saying that she was dealing with something uber special, her words. So, that had left Jake who, to my utter surprise, agreed. A tap on my shoulder jolted me from my world of thought, my eyes snapping open to meet Jake's, the car unmoving. Removing my headphones, I gave him a confused glance.

"We're here." By here, I knew exactly what he meant. He meant Brooke's house. Brooke's father had offered for me to stay here when I told Brooke of my return to Lakewood. Since I hadn't spoken to Noah or Audrey in months, I knew I didn't want to stay with them. 

"Thanks Jake." I croaked. I didn't talk very much anymore, and it was strange to hear my voice again. It was unfamiliar and, strangely uncomfortable. It was almost like it wasn't truly my voice. He nodded his head, hitting the unlock button.

"Don't be a stranger tonight, alright? But, if you don't want to come, don't let Brooke pressure you too hard." Jake said. Tonight. What was tonight? Had he said something about it earlier? Had I completely missed it?

"T-tonight?" Jake sighed, biting his lip.

"Yeah, tonight. Brooke will fill you in." He said softly. My head bobbed before I pushed the door of his truck open, jumping down. Though, before I closed it, I turned back around.

"Thanks again, you're a great friend Jake." I said softly, nervously. That was another thing that came with my voice, I sounded so nervous, so unsure. It made me want to curl into a ball and cry. I had been shy before, but now, it was like I couldn't even trust myself.

"Take care." Jake smiled, reaching over and shutting the door for me before pulling out of the drive. My stuff had already been delivered to Brooke's house, and when I had left, I hadn't been allowed to take much. Carefully walking up the house, I took a deep breath before ringing the door bell. It was almost instantly, the door swung open, revealing Brooke.

"Well, look who's back."


First 2-3 chapters will be short like this due to I want a few chapters before Vex goes to the party/school. Hope you guys enjoyed this little bit!

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