Bowling: Chapter 18

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"Where's Noah? What have you done with Hayden?" I exclaimed. As I looked into the rear view mirror, I saw a sudden coldness seep into my gaze. First my boyfriend, now my niece? 

"Little Hayden's fine, for now." He spat. "As for Noah, well, he needs a hero and, you little Ms. Vex, I have big plans for you." He teased. My teeth ground together as he spoke, my free hand clenching into a tight fist. 

"What do you want me to do?" I hissed. 

"I want you to have your little friends pull over." He said, the amusement clear in his words. I looked to Emma, catching her gaze before I sighed. 

"Audrey, pull over." I demanded. 

"Wait, what? There's no time, we have to-" She began to shout. 

"Pull over. Now!" I said. Audrey's foot hit the brake hard, sending me slamming into the center counsel, nearly dropping the phone. Even before the car had come to a stop, I pushed open the back door, jumping out. 

"Now what you sick freak." I growled. 

"Oh, Vex, that really hurts. I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to make you see." I rolled my eyes. 

"See what? Your superiority complex? The fact that you hide behind a mask and a voice app? Guess what asshole? I went through this already and you know where that got the last one to fuck with us? A bullet in the brain!" I screamed. 

"Listen here you little bitch. You have 30 minutes to arrive where this entire downward spiral for you began. Starting now. You're not there and I light lover boys coffin on fire and let you watch him burn!" He roared before the call ended. I screamed in rage, looking back to Emma and Audrey who watched me from the car. 

"What does he want? Why did we stop the car?" I shook my head. 

"You keep going. Find Noah." I said before I began sprinting off, headed for the exact place he wanted me to go. The bowling alley. 


My breathing was ragged as I continued running, not daring to stop. I had 5 minutes left and the bowling alley was just around the corner. Pushing myself harder, I rounded the corner, running straight into Wes. His arms grabbed onto my shoulders for balance though, he only managed to pull us both down. As we tumbled into the grass, I kicked away, rolling off of him and sitting up.

"What are you doing here?" I gasped, trying to catch my breath. 

"You sent me a text? Said to meet you here?" I held up my phone which, was covered in dirt. 

"I didn't send shit, what are you doing here?" I demanded. He pulled out his phone, showing me the text. 

304 Hallow St. 30 mins. 

"I never sent that to you." I said. 

"Doesn't matter. I'm here now and, you looked like you were running for your life. What's going on?" He asked, pushing himself up. I did the same, turning away from him and continuing to walk up to the front doors. For a moment, I thought they'd be locked, just like they had been when Jake had tried to get us in only a few months ago. 

"You need to leave. He wants you here for a reason, whatever that is, it's not good." I growled. I pushed the doors open, the smell of old paper and stale cigars filling my senses. 

"Like hell am I leaving. You not only looked like you were running for your life but, that you were also on your way to kill someone." As I began to step in, he caught my arm, spinning me around. I glared up at him, wanting nothing more than to rip his head off. "What is going on?" He demanded. 

"He wants to play a game. If I don't play, Noah dies." I snapped. Wes let go of my arm, stepping around me and farther into the main entrance. 

"Then let's play the game." He said. I shook my head. 

"No. If I let you come, Noah might die. I can't risk it." Wes rolled his eyes, stepping back towards me. 

"Like hell am I letting you do this alone." He said. 

"Why do you even want to help? I thought you made your thoughts about me pretty clear back at the house." Wes scratched the back of his head, sighing. 

"Look, Vex, what I said-" I held up my hand, shaking my head. 

"Nope. Nope. This is too cliche. Too much. Let's just go." I didn't need to know what he was going to say after that, all I needed to know was what the killer wanted me for and, why I was here. As if on cue, my phone began to ring.


Sorry for the short chapter. I swear they will get longer but, I've got to set up *evil grin*

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