To An End :Chapter 29

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"You're not going to win this!" Kieran shouted over the rattle of chains. I held the gun close to me, peering from behind. "I've got Audrey! You can make her death easy, or hard!" He shouted. 

"You know, they're probably already gone." She said. I peeked out farther, raising my gun, only for him to raise his right back and fire. A sharp pain shot through my shoulder but I turned away, following after Emma, clamping my teeth down. Don't cry out. 

"Little Vex, I know I hit you. Come out, come out!' He cooed. "You already lost!" He said. 

"Don't give him what he wants! Get out of here!" Audrey shouted. Kieran pulled Audrey aside. 

"Don't think I wont end you right now! I'm done with you. You're trash." He scowled, pulling her back and continuing forward, closer to Emma and I. 

"Looks like you're going to need her until you find us." Emma shouted, both of us peering from behind a stack of boxes. 

"Stop being stupid, go!" Audrey yelled. "If you go, at least a couple of us live!" I shook my head. As Kieran got closer, Emma and I moved, quickly. Both of us split, her going in one direction and, me in another yet, I could still see her. I heard Audrey fight back but, it ended quickly and, when I looked over, I saw Kieran had her wrapped in the chains. Emma moved and, he paused, hearing her. Pushing Audrey back, he quickly backed up, keeping the gun pointed at her. 

"Emma?" He whispered. That's when all hell broke lose. I stood up, aiming my gun at him and shooting, catching him in the rib just as Emma pushed the boxes she was hiding behind, causing them to collapse over him. Quickly, she jumped out, as did and and grabbed Kieran's gun he had dropped before grabbing Audrey and pulling her alongside us. Hiding behind a shelf, we watched as Kieran stood, holding his side. 

"Emma." He said once more. Both of us stepped forward, firing at him though, not right at him. 

"How does it feel to be helpless?" Emma said, ducking back, only to reemerge and fire again. I stalked forward, my eyes on Kieran as I held up the gun. "How does it feel to be hunted?" She asked as Kieran ducked behind a crate, blocking himself from view. 

"This is for them." I said. "For everyone you decided needed to die." I shot at the crate. "For all the lives you ruined because you had some sort of god complex." I shot again and he rolled out, holding the knife up, pointed at Emma and I as Emma came to my side. Slowly, he backed into a wooden support beam, his eyes wild. 

"Don't you wonder when it's gonna end?" Emma whispered as Audrey jumped out, wrapping the chains around Kieran's throat. 

"Shoot him." Audrey said. I held up my gun, smiling. 

"I thought moving here would get me over all the death that seemed to haunt me, only for new loses to spring up. I wanted no part of whatever you had planned with Piper yet, you dragged me in. You took my mom away. If you wanted someone dead, you should have killed Troy. He turned Piper away, not my mom. Not me!" I screamed, pressing the gun to his temple. "You want me to be a monster? Well here I am!" I shouted. Kieran laughed wildly as I glared into his eyes, my finger pressing lightly on the trigger. 

"Vex, don't. This is what he wants. We get the choice but, it doesn't have to make us monsters." She said. I felt tears prick into my eyes as I glared at Kieran, only seeing all the pain he had put me through. 

"He deserves it!" I growled. 

"But he isn't going to die. Not today." Emma said, reaching forward and pushing my arm down slowly. She looked to Kieran. "You're going to rot in prison because you lost at your own, sick game." There was a bang from upstairs and, I felt lightheaded as I stared at Kieran. 

"Sheriff's department!" Someone shouted from upstairs. I held up my hands, the gun in my right hand while Emma did the same, the police shining the flashlight on us. Only then did I collapse. 


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