Fearlessness :Chapter 4

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There were new kids in the class, two that I hadn't seen before and, both happened to be sitting in the back of the class, a seat in between the two. Looking to Audrey, I sighed before taking the seat between them, peeking over at the girl. She had long, dark hair cascading down her back, fading into a rainbow dye. It was slightly curled at the ends, and, she seemed to keep pushing it out of the way. Her head was down, her eyes on something that her hair blocked like a curtain, shrugging, I ignored it, looking to the boy. 

For one, he was definitely cute, a nice jaw and some killer hair. He hadn't really noticed me take a seat, instead, continued to draw something on his IPad, his eyebrows knitted together in concentration.  Leaning over just a bit, I managed to see something read before he dropped it, his head shooting up and his brown eyes meeting mine.

"Can I help you with something?" He practically growled at me. Leaning back to my seat, I shook my head, giving him a small smile. 

"Sorry, just curious." I whispered. "Won't do it again." Sighing, he shook his head. 

"You're alright, sorry bout that, I'm just not used to people being really interested in what I'm doing." He said as I reached down into my bag, pulling out a notebook and pen.

"Guilty, I'm interested in about everything." I said, smiling. "Bad habit." He chuckled.

"Can't really judge, I'm a curious person myself." He stated. Grinning, I looked at his IPad. 

"So, were you drawing?" I asked. He looked down on it.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I was." He said. 

"Could I possibly see?" I inquired, watching as he stiffened a little.

"Um, well-" I held up my hands. 

"It's alright if you don't want me too." I said. I didn't want to make him feel pressured. He seemed to think for a moment before he sighed, opening the IPad up.

"Listen, they're just stupid drawings. I like to write comics and, this seemed like a cool subject to do." His voice shook a little as he turned it on, unlocking it. Carefully, he turned the picture toward me, revealing a bloodied, well drawn Emma. A knife was stuck in her head and, in the black and white, bright red stood out on the picture. For a moment, I didn't really know how to react.

"Wow-" I began.

"Look, I'm-" Chuckling a bit, I reached forward, swiping left. There was another picture, this one of Audrey, blood staining her black leather jacket. She looked like a badass apocalypse survivor. 

"These are really good." I breathed, finally making up my mind. Yeah, it was weird, but it was also cool, I couldn't deny that. 

"Really? I thought you would be offended by these." Chuckling, I looked up at him, catching the small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Hell no, you're talented." I said. He shrugged.

"It's nothing really." Carefully, he put the IPad back down on his desk, looking to the front of the room. "Either way though, I'm glad you like them." Chuckling, I leaned back in my desk, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm a very surprising person." Looking over to me, he nodded.


"Okay you two, I'm throwing up in my mouth a little with your flirting so please, just stop." Looking over in surprise, I saw the girl beside me staring at us, a frown on her face. Her hazel eyes were glaring in anger, her fingers tapping on the desk. Chuckling a little, I shook my head.

"Not flirting, just talking." Beside me, the boy leaned over.

"Definitely not flirting Hayden, don't be a bitch." He said. To my surprise, Hayden, cracked a smile. 

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