Texts And A Locker :Chapter 6

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The police had arrived in no time, while Brooke in I stood in silence, both of us afraid to speak. If we spoke any words, it would confirm that this is reality and that, we had really just seen what we saw. A camera flashed around as us Ms. Duval took pictures of the scene, Jake's body only a few feet from us. Brooke's hand had turned cold in my own and, her expression was almost lifeless.

"You two are doing great, stay with me." Ms. Duval whispered to us, taking another few pictures. Blood had gotten on me from when I had grabbed Brooke and, now both of us looked like something out of a horror movie. Our own sick, twisted horror show. "Why don't you talk to me, honey?" She said to Brooke, glancing at me carefully. Nodding, I gave Brooke's hand a small squeeze.

"The night at the pool he wanted to take me to the carnival. I wanted to say yes-." Her voice broke.

"Oh sweety." Ms. Duval sighed.

"Brooke, Vex, are you okay?" From the corner of the stage, Emma and Audrey ran up, concern evident in their eyes. Behind them, Ms. Lang followed.

"No, no, no, I'm not finished." Ms. Duval said, trying to stop them as they ran to us. "It's evidence. It can't be compromised." She explained. Brooke's hand tightened on mine, her arm shaking lightly. Pulling her closer, I let her put her head on my shoulder softly. More footsteps sounded and then, the deputy's voice rang out.

"Excuse me, Doc. I need Emma and Miss Jensen." Audrey turned around to face him.


"No, please don't make them leave." Brooke said, her head lifting off my shoulder.

"Please don't." I asked gently. Emma's eyes met mine before she turned around.

"No, we're their friends. They need us right now." Emma said to the deputy.

"Someone should stay." Audrey added.

"I'm almost finished, Dwayne." Maggie said. Suddenly, Ms. Lang stepped forward.

"These girls are in shock; they're going to need a hand to help clean up." Dwayne looked down at his pad, sighing.

"Okay, Emma, you're higher on the sheriff's list for questioning. You come with me. Jensen, you stay. Let's go." Emma shot a confused look around before Maggie grabbed her hand, holding her gaze.

"I'm sure they're just questioning all of Jake's friends. It's going to be okay. I'll come and find you after the lockdown's lifted." Nodding her head, Emma reluctantly followed after Dwayne though, Audrey stopped her briefly.

"Hey, it's okay. We've got this." She reassured.

"Yeah, I just..." She didn't finish, instead, she walked off. Audrey sighed before turning back to us, looking to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. I didn't answer, I simply took in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. One of my best friend's was dead, Brooke and I were covered in his blood and soon, questioning would begin and all would go to hell.

"Okay, I'm finished." Ms. Duval said, lowering the camera. "Audrey, could you take Ms. Wilson and Ms. Maddox to the showers? I'll send an officer in to collect their clothes." Audrey nodded, taking no time to step up and give us a light smile.

"Come on, let's get you two clean." Nodding, I followed after, continuing to grip Brooke's hand.


The shower was warm against my skin. The officer had already taken my clothes, replacing them with the spare from my locker I had told her about. My hand covered my mouth as hot tears trailed down my face, my mind still boggled by the recent events. Of all people, that sick bastard had to kill Jake. Why him?

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