Hello Vex: Chapter 17

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"We thought he had been with you, that maybe he went to check on you after you went M.I.A for awhile." Audrey tried to explain in a rush as she led the way to her car. After Wes and I had reached the cafe, Emma and Audrey hadn't hesitated to drag us right out. 

"Then how do you know the killer has him? Did he call you?" I asked. Emma shook her head, stopping in front of the passenger door. 

"Not exactly." She held out her phone with a small message on it that said "click here". Beside me, Wes touched my shoulder gently, only to drop it back to his side as I clicked the link. A sweaty, pale Noah looked back at me. A livestream. 

"Oh my god." I cried. There was blood on the side of his head. 

"After he sent that, he told us that if we brought anyone besides you into this, then he'd light him on fire." Audrey said. My breathing was shaky as I stared at the small screen. 

"How long do we have?" I whispered. 

"Less than five hours." Audrey replied. "So we have to hurry." Emma took her phone back, pulling the passenger door opening and jumping in. Turning to Wes, I shook my head as I pulled the backseat door open. 

"You can't come." Wes glared. 

"Like hell am I letting you-" He began. 

"If you come, Noah may die!" I exclaimed. "Not a fake die Wes. He might really die and I can't lose him!" Wes stumbled back, almost as if I had slapped him across the face. "Stay here. I'll call you if we need your help." Then, I climbed into the back, slamming the door and not giving Wes a second thought. 


"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"Noah's. There's something there, something to help us find him." Audrey explained, the speedometer tipping 50. I looked down at my lap, pulling my phone out and clicking on the link that Emma had sent me. As soon as I did, I saw Noah moving, his lips moving as well. 

"Oh my good. Guys, he's awake." Audrey's head swiveled to me before she looked back at the road. 

"Is he saying anything? What's happening?" Audrey explained. I leaned forward, holding my hands out so that they could see. 

"No audio. Whatever he's saying, we can't hear it. The killer doesn't want us to hear him." Emma said. I closed my eyes, my heart dropping. 

"I can't lose him." I whispered. "I can't. Not now." Emma took my phone from my hands, placing it on the dash carefully. 

"You won't Vex. We're going to find him and we're going to save him, alright?" Emma reached back, taking my hand softly. 

The sound of my ringtone made us all jump, the phone vibrating and falling to the floor. Emma let go of my hand, reaching down and picking it up. Our hearts all seemed to stop as she looked at the caller I.D, only for her to quickly hand it to me. 

"It's Hayden." She said. Quickly, I hit the answer button, not caring that I still didn't know how to talk to either of them. 

"Hello?" I asked softly. 

"Hello Vex."



"Mom?" I called. For a moment, there was silence before the stairs creaked and my moms blonde hair popped around the corner, followed by her soft blue eyes. 

"Yeah sweety?" She asked. For the past few days, ever since the dinner with Vex, she's been upstairs painting. I hadn't seen her paint this much since she found out that my grandmother had died. 

"Do you think that maybe I could borrow the car?" Her eyebrows scrunched. 

"What for?" She inquired. 

"Well, I was thinking maybe I'd go see Audrey or, even Stavo? Please? I've been kind of trapped in the house these last few days and I'd really like to go out and see some friends." For a moment, I'd thought maybe she'd yell, or, just give me a plain no. Instead however, she gave me a sad smile, one that screamed an apology. 

"Yeah honey, go on. I know it's been rough these last few days." A slow smile spread across my face as I stood from the couch. 

"Really?" I asked. She nodded her head, coming into the living room and opening her arms. Quickly, I pulled her into a hug. "Thank you!" I cried. She chuckled, hugging me tightly. 

"I love you." She said gently, her hand touching my hair softly. 

"I love you too, mom." Letting me go, she gave me one last, quick smile. 

"Just be careful alright? And call me if you need something." I nodded quickly, already rushing for the kitchen where she always left the keys. 

"I will, I promise. I'll be home by dinner." I promised. 

"Alright. Why don't you just pick up some fast food on the way?" I peeked back into the living room, nodding my head. 

"Potato Ole's." I sighed. She chuckled, nodding her head. 

"Sounds good. Love you!" She called as I pulled open the front door. 

"Love you too!" I shouted, pulling the front door shut behind me. Running forward, I wasted no time hopping into the front seat and starting up the engine. Free of the house at last! Placing my hands on the top of the wheel, I took in a deep breath of fresh air, one that quickly turned to a putrid stench as a wet cloth was forced against the lower half of my face.


Vex's boyfriend and niece you may ask. Why yes, that is what I just did.

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