A Date: Chapter 14

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"Vex, just calm down okay. You can't work yourself up over this, you'll have a damn panic attack." Noah came to sit beside me on the bed, his arm wrapping around my shoulder as I leaned into him, taking a deep breath. Noah had opened his front door to find me nearly in hysterics, crying about Noel. She was my sister, and only now she was contacting me? 

"What am I supposed to do. She shows up in my life, my ex isn't dead, everything's going to-" Noah's hand swept over my mouth, stopping me from continuing. 

"Your ex isn't dead?" He asked slowly. I had forgotten to even mention the fact that Wes was alive. I hadn't told him yet, now though, it was far to late to take it back. 

"He called me the other day. He's been alive this entire time." I whispered as Noah removed his hand. His eyes bugged, nearly out of his sockets. 

"Is he?" He didn't even bother to finish as I nodded my head, he was coming to Lakewood. Standing from beside me, Noah took a deep breath, looking down at his feet as he walked forward, leaning on his desk. 

"And?" He asked. 

"And what?" 

"And, is the reason you didn't tell me because you plan to get back together with him?" His voice filled with pain as he asked, though, he didn't turn around to look at me. I jumped up, rushing up to him and shaking my head as I hugged him from behind. 

"No, no." I giggled, nervously. "I wouldn't dream of it. He's been alive all this time and, hasn't tried to contact me at all. You on the other hand, have been here for me when I needed you most. There's no way I would dump you for that." I let go of him, just long enough to turn him towards me, lifting his chin so that his eyes met mine. "I mean't it Noah, I love you." He sighed, nodding. Gently, he leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. 

"I love you too." He replied, pulling me into his arms. 


Yawning, I stretched my arms out, keeping my eyes shut as rays of bright sunlight shot through the window, making a bright yellow glare on my shut eyelids. On the other side of the bed, Noah's alarm clock blared like crazy and, for a moment, I wanted to smack him. He was such a heavy ass sleeper, no wonder he needed his alarm at full volume. Opening my eyes and rolling over, I climbed on top of Noah, reaching over and turning his alarm on snooze before laying down on his chest, cradling his waist. 

"Dear god, if you don't wake up before that alarm goes off again, you'll have a lot bigger problems than the serial killer running loose." Noah chuckled groggily beneath me, trying to move though, finding himself unable to. 

"Damn, you're heavy." He groaned. I gasped.

"Did you just call me fat?" I asked jokingly. He shrugged, turning his head over. 

"Whatever you think." He mumbled. Suddenly, his hands pushed me farther down onto him, until my face was in the crook of his neck and he was hugging me close. 

"God-" I whispered. "You smell like shit." I joked. He actually smelled decent but, hey, he just called me fat. 

"Whatever, your morning breath is killing me, I think I'd take the end of the killer's knife over this torture." Snickering, I lifted my head a little, breathing into his face. "Ah God!" He shouted sarcastically. "I'm dying. I'm melting! This is the end!" I giggled as he writhed beneath me, dramatically "leaving" this world. 

"You are such a drama Queen, Foster." I said softly. He rolled his eyes, smiling gently at me. 

"So, what do you want to do today?" He asked. 

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