I Like... :Chapter 10

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"What took you so long?" Hayden asked as she opened the door, allowing me to enter. I kept quite as I headed in to the house.

"Where's Stavo?" I asked softly. Hayden chuckled, pointing to the back.

"In there, what, you two have something going on?" She asked. Rolling my eyes, I let a small smile light my face.

"No Hayden, just-" 

"Hayden? Is that your friend?" The voice sounded excited. From the kitchen, a very young looking woman came bouncing in, her blonde hair curled and her electric blue eyes dancing with joy. Before I could say anything, I was wrapped in a hug. "God you look just like-" She stopped, chuckling to herself. "An old friend of mine." She quickly finished. I laughed nervously, pulling away and looking to Hayden who, simply shrugged. 

"Well, it was nice to meet you." I said awkwardly. "But I'm going to go talk to Stavo." Walking past the two, I headed into the back where, Stavo sat on the couch, a small smirk on his face.

"I see you met Hayden's mom, isn't she a peach?" He asked, sarcastically. Rolling my eyes, I took a seat next to him, examining his eye.

"They really did a number on you, tough guy." Rolling his eyes, he did the same to me, his eyes freezing on my jaw. It had swelled overnight and, was a deep purplish. It looked a lot worse than it felt.

"Why the hell did you jump in to save my ass?" He chuckled.

"Because, your ass was innocent." I joked back. Smirking, he lowered his head into his hands, giving it a light shake. 

"My dad doesn't seem to think so, you should have heard the fight between us when he got home yesterday." He sighed.

"So, you fight with your dad and then you just, hightail it over to Hayden's? Is there something..." I trailed, one of my eyebrows raising in suspicion. I mean, that would be pretty cool but, from the way his head shot up, a mixture of confusion and horror clouding his face, I knew that wasn't true.

"Hayden and I? Oh my god, I thought she told you!" He exclaimed. I pursed my lips, confused.

"Told me what?" I asked. Stavo snickered, shaking his head.

"Hayden likes your friend Audrey, the same one who got us beat to hell." He scoffed, his mouth setting into a grim line. I sighed.

"Look, I know you're still pissed at her-" He chuckled.

"That's one way to describe it." Rolling my eyes, I continued.

"But she didn't realize. With what's happening, you have to understand. You didn't have to live through the first one, we did. Audrey isn't as understanding as I am. Something like that, she can't just ignore it." I explained. He rolled his shoulders, reaching behind and scratching his neck.

"Listen, I didn't have you come over just so I could bitch about your friend." He turned his body towards me. "I wanted to ask you something and, you need to be completely honest to me. After today, I really thought about it and I thought, why not just talk to you?" My heart rate picked up and, suddenly, I was a bit uncomfortable. With the call I just got from Wes, as well as the complicated feelings for Noah, I don't think I wanted to know where this was headed.

"What is it?" I asked hesitantly. Maybe, I was picking up on it all wrong.

"Well, I've had these feelings for a bit and, I knew it was completely stupid and, that now is probably the worst time to really come clean because of everything that has happened-" Dammit, he was trying to tell me he liked me. How was I going to get out of this one? I couldn't, not now, not with everything. I couldn't bring him into my mess.

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