Lose Your Mind : Chapter 7

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"Emma Duval?" It had been nearly a half an hour since Kieran had left and now, Sheriff Acosta was in the learning center, calling her name. I watched as he walked over to her. "I hear you have something to show me." Emma looked down, taking a deep breath before handing over a phone, the police putting it into an evidence bag. "Come with me." He turned, looking  straight at me.

"You as well Ms. Wilson, I need to speak to you."


I had sat outside while the sheriff questioned Emma, my hands clasped in my lap as I tried not to think of why he wanted to talk to me. I hadn't done anything, I definitely hadn't hidden anything. Why did he want me? It felt like ages before he finally opened the door.

"Ms. Wilson, come on in and take a seat beside Emma." Standing from the floor, I did what he said, walking in and taking my seat. 

"Alright you two, both of you were sent away for awhile for treatment. PTSD." I looked over to Emma who, reached down, taking my hand.

"Yeah, we both had some stress issues that we had to deal with after-." 

"After what happened on the dock and with Ms. Wilson's mother." My throat tightened. "And, you were both admitted into the psych ward after witnessing the death of your ex-boyfriend last year." Sheriff Acosta said, looking straight at Emma. I tuned out as Emma tried to defend herself, my mind going blank. I wasn't sure if this was real, I mean, how could this be? How could all of this be happening again?

"Just stop." I whispered, finally coming to reality. "Enough has happened today. I just got released this morning and, already things have gone to hell." I looked up to see Sheriff Acosta standing by the door, nodding his head.

"Alright. You both may go. Please take them both back to the learning center." He said to one of the officers. Standing up, I followed Emma out, walking beside her. As we followed the officer to the learning center, I didn't hesitate to take Emma's hand for, as soon as we were there, she blew over to Kieran, releasing her anger. I would too if he had snitched on me. Kieran and Eli nearly went at it, though Audrey stopped them.

"She had the dead guy's phone and they just sent her back. Why? Because her mom works for the police. Duh! As for the other, she's just a psychotic who lost her mom and now, gets whatever she wants." I turned around to see Haley standing with her small clique. 

"Say that again." I growled. All eyes were on us now as Emma walked over. 

"No, I want to know what they have to say." She said. "Hey." She said to Haley. "Do you have something you want to say to me?" Haley turned, looking at her group of friends.

"Keep looking, you're little bullshit clique isn't going to save you." I said. Emma touched my shoulder lightly. 

"Look, I know that you're scared. We are all scared." Turning, I saw that my friends were standing up, backing us. Even Zoey. "But we should not be scared of each other, okay? Please do not be scared of me." Haley nodded her head.

"But I am scared of you, both of you. Everyone who comes around you two dies. And your friends should be scared too, because they're all going to die." I took a step forward, though, a hand touched my arm, keeping me back. Turning my head, I saw Stavo, concern in his eyes. Beside him, Hayden stood, her hand on my arm.

"You have no idea, what Vex and I went through." Haley rolled her eyes.

"You went through? Piper butchered eight people but magically didn't touch a hair on your head." 

"Listen, that isn't true." I said. 

"Then, you shot her in the face, so we only got your side of the story." 

"That's enough, Haley." Audrey said, pulling both Emma and I back. 

"Her whole family is crazy, aren't they. Both of them. I mean, anytime there's a killer loose, somehow, there's always a crazy Duval left standing!" I watched as Emma's arm extended out, her hand hitting Haley across the face with a loud smack. Haley's head whipped to the side, her hand coming up to touch her cheek. I saw it coming, much before she even turned to look at us. Pushing Emma out of the way, I watched as Haley's head turned. 

"You dumb bitch!" She lunged, instead of Emma, she hit me, pushing me full force to the floor. Moving my leg around, I locked her legs down, bringing my arm up until I had her in a choke hold on top of me, my mind raging. I felt my arm going tighter around her neck and for that moment, I truly feared myself. I knew exactly what I was capable of at that moment, but I wasn't going too. I felt someone grab my arm. 

"Vex, stop! Vex!" Someone was screaming my name, but it was like I couldn't hear them. It was like I was in another part of my head. I let the hand that was gripping me take my arm away from Haley's neck, dragging me away from her until my head hit the wall. My eyes only held a single face, Emma's. Tears were in her eyes as she followed my body, as she knelt down beside me. "Vex! Talk to me!" But I couldn't, my lips wouldn't move and, neither would my eyes. Suddenly, the hand let go of my arm and, in my field of vision, was Eli. 

"Vex? Vex?" He said. His hand reached up, touching my forehead. Then came Gustavo, right behind Eli. 

"Guys, she's in shock." Screaming was going on behind them, their voices mixing in.

"She's a psycho!" Haley was shouting. "Arrest her! She tried to kill me." I watched as Gustavo was pushed out of the way, a teacher coming into view. Kneeling down, she pushed Emma out of the way, I felt her grab my hand. 

"Vex, if you can hear me, you need to breath, alright? Take slow breaths, work through this." I was trying to listen, I truly was, but I really couldn't, not to her. What was I even thinking, and why was she telling me to breath? I was breathing, it should be Haley who isn't breathing. The teacher's eyes lit with fear.

"I don't know if she can hear me, she isn't breathing enough. Any longer and she may go into hyperactive shock, she'll need to go to the hospital!" All I could do was watch as Eli and Emma were both pulled away from me, replaced by Noah and Audrey. Noah. 

"Vex, you've got to breath for me, alright? Come on." Noah's warm hand wrapped around mine, bringing it up so that our entwined hands were in my view. 

"Breath, breath." Audrey whispered, her hand clasping around my other hand. I felt my mouth move, opening and then, fresh air spilled into my lounges, much more than what I had been taking in. My eyes fluttered and then I was coughing, hunching over as I tried to suck in more and more air. Air. I needed air. 

"Sh, sh, sh. Calm down, calm down or you'll have a panic attack." Someones hand touched my back, rubbing soft circles into it. I knew who it was without looking. Eli. 

"Come on." The teacher grabbed my arm, lifting me to my feet. "You as well, Emma, let's get you out of here." Keeping my head down and taking deep breaths, I followed the teacher's feet, letting go of Audrey and Noah's hands, only to find another's. We were in this together after all. Giving her hand a light squeeze, I walked side by side with Emma.

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