Study Buddies: Chapter 12

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"Did you really mean it? Or was that the adrenaline and fear talking?" Noah asked softly. Audrey had stayed after spilling everything. I had almost been mad, but then, I also realized that it wasn't Audrey who decided to go on a killing spree, it was Piper.  Noah, her and I had sat in silence, none of us processing the night in our own ways.

"I meant it. Every word." I whispered. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Because, I didn't know how far your relationship with Zoey had advanced and, I didn't want to mess anything up. I wanted you to be happy." I admitted. It was true, I wanted Noah happy, no matter the cost. 

"I'm happy with you." He said. Looking from my lap, I met his eyes across the room. A small smile spread in the corner of my mouth as I nodded my head.

"I know, but I couldn't risk you being happy with Zoey and  me ruining that." I explained. He stood from his seat, walking over to the bed and sitting beside me. Even Audrey walked over, taking the seat on my right. His hands fiddled in his lap as thought, silence slowly settling over the room. It stayed like that, for  a long time, none of us really having anything else to say. At some point, their hand intertwined with mine and we just sat there, all of us listening to the others steady breathing. I think that's really the only thing we needed. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Emma?" I had gone into work early, deciding that I needed to get my mind off of things and, there was nothing like working at the nerd cave to get my mind off things. Of course, that was until my phone rang and reality sunk in.

"The killer, whoever it is, has been sending my dad emails from Riley. The cops came, saying that it all connected to my IP address. They took my laptop." Emma sounded on the verge of a panic attack. Looking over to the small gathering of Magic players, I stepped outside, sighing.

"Alright, just calm down okay. I'm sure that everything is going to be fine. Take a deep breath." I said calmly. Emma followed my instructions. I listened as she took in breath after breath, calming herself. "See. Alright, well, you didn't send them, did you?" I asked.

"Of course not." She defended instantly.

"Woah there." I chuckled. "Just checking. Look, it doesn't matter if they think you did, we know the truth. The police can shove it where the sun doesn't shine for all I care. You just need to stay calm and, maybe work things out with your mom alright?" I said. 

"I told them about what happened at the farm, with all the pictures that I found." She said quietly. Closing my eyes, I let out a heavy sigh. 

"And?" She groaned. 

"They dismissed it, again." She said. "Look, I've got to go. I just thought I'd let you know. With him messing with me, it's only a matter of time before they find something on you that he did." She rushed. 

"Thanks Emma." I said gently before hanging up. Already, I was going over a mental list of things I needed to check. My laptop was definitely one. Last round, Piper had stolen it and used it against me. Like hell I was going to let that happen again. 

Stepping back inside, I stood back behind the counter, picking up the little figurines I had been playing with, really wishing Noah had come in today with me. 

* * * * * * * * * 

*Noah's POV* 

Sitting on the couch as Audrey grabbed our food and drink, I sighed, looking up as someone stood in front of me. 

"Oh, Zoey, hey!" I said, standing once more. 

"Hey. I'm glad to see you." She began. "So, we have that oral coming up in applied physics and, honestly, that class has been kicking my proverbial butt as of late." I smiled softly, nodding my head. 

"Yeah, it's tricky." 

"Um, so I was wondering if you would be interested in getting together for a little study session." At first, it didn't hit me and, I almost said yes. Zoey wanted to get with me to study, or, at least she used that term. Then, I remembered everything that had gone on the previous night. Vex. I couldn't do that, not after everything that had been said last night, not after she finally told me she loved me. 

"Look, Zoey-" I began.

"It's Vex, isn't it?" She asked softly. I was surprised, I didn't realize she knew about us but, she did.

"Uh, yeah. Things are, well, it's complicated." I started. "And, I'm going to be helping her catch up in everything. She's in that class with us you know and, with the whole breakdown that happened, she's really behind." I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling my cheeks burn slightly. 

"Look, I understand. She's your girlfriend or friend or, whatever you two call each other. I get it." She sighed. "I'm happy for you and, it's alright, I'll find someone else." She said, trying to sound enthusiastic. I gave her a small smile.

"Thanks for understanding." I said softly. Grabbing her stuff, she walked out, leaving me to plop back down onto the couch, pulling out my phone. Quickly, I typed out a text to Vex, sending it off just as Audrey walked over.

"What was that about?" She asked, handing me my order. 

"I just told Zoey that Vex and I were already study buddies and that I couldn't help her." I said quickly. Audrey smirked.

"Look who made the right choice." She replied. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

*Vex's POV* 

We are officially Applied Physics study buddies

I read the text from Noah a dozen times, trying to figure out what that meant. I didn't need that much help with Physics that he needed to devote time to me over it. Shooting him a quick text back, I stuck my phone in my pocket, leaning against the counter as the bell chimed, a new customer walking in. Glancing over, I saw Hayden looking around curiously, a small smirk resting on her face.

"So, this is where you work." She chuckled. "Nerd." Walking over to me, she leaned across from me, smiling. Rolling my eyes, I sighed.

"What you want, biyatch?" I asked jokingly. 

"My mom wanted me to invite you over for dinner, said that she would like to talk to you a little more. It's her thing, she likes to get a read on my friends." Hayden explained. "You in?" Her gaze shifted downwards as she picked up one of the figurines lying on the counter, staring at it questioningly. Grabbing it from her, I laughed. 

"It's a dwarf barbarian figurine. And, I'm sure I can make time to come over. When do you want me?" I asked. Pulling out her phone, she peaked at the time before locking eyes with me. 

"Whenever your shift ends, she's making Alfredo." My favorite!

"That's my favorite food!" I exclaimed. Hayden giggled to herself. 

"My moms as well, seems you guys have something in common." Pushing from the counter, she gave me a mock salute. "I'd stay longer but, I've got places to be and people to see." Rolling my eyes, I gave her a small wave. 

"See you tonight." I said. 

"See you." Just as she walked out the door, my phone buzzed. Lifting it up, I peaked at the text from Noah.

Had to get out of study buddies with Zoey

So, he had chosen me over Zoey? He really had meant last night. Nothing could stop the bright smile from spreading across my lips.


Sorry for the POV switches but I had to change that part in the show due to the fact that the study buddies is what lead to Noah and Zoey becoming a couple. Hope you enjoyed!

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