Surprises And School :Chapter 3

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"So, you really thought we forgot you?" Audrey asked softly. Her and I had moved to the corner of the room once Emma arrived, keeping our conversation on the down low. Though Noah and I had made up, it was still awkward, especially since we had broke it off just before everything happened. 

"Well, Noah and I had broke it off, we needed time. I thought that maybe you and him had been mad at me." I said. Audrey shook her head, chuckling. 

"Hell no, he thought about you everyday while you were gone." Audrey said. "Remember what he told you when it happened, he meant it." She stated. 

"We're still friends. You can't get rid of me that easily." 

She was right, Noah had meant it. Leading up to everything, Noah had been there for me even though I had been the one to ask him for the break. She was right and I... I had been pissed for no reason.

"I'm sorry I doubted you guys." I whispered, leaning my head on her shoulder. Audrey chuckled, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a small hug. 

"It's alright, not receiving our letters, I'm sure I would have felt the same way." Audrey paused, looking down at her phone briefly before sighing. "I figure you know about what happened tonight?" Her voice was even lower now, only loud enough for me to hear. Sighing, I nodded my head. 

"Saw it and, I'm going to school tomorrow. I see that's bitches face and-" Audrey chuckled, putting her hand over my mouth. 

"You'll do nothing, for now. She tries it again, then you can do something." Slowly, she removed her hand and I chuckled. 

"Fine, but I will make her regret jacking with the Lakewood seven." I said. Shaking her head, Audrey leaned in, giving me another hug. 

"You have no idea how much I missed your fire."

After the party, we all headed out, though, not before a surprise for me. 

"In honor of your return, I thought that we should present the news to you tonight, as a surprise." Brooke said, standing in the dark yard. Kieran had shut off the porch light, so the only thing I could see was something shiny behind her. "My father secured your bank account for you, as well as one thing they wanted to take from you." The porch light came on, revealing my massive truck. The exact one my mom had gotten for me. My hand flew to my mouth as I looked at it. I thought the state would take it away, after everything.

"Brooke, how?" She laughed, walking up to me. 

"Like I said, daddy helped out. He wanted to make sure that you wouldn't lose anything important to you." She said. Tears sprang to my eyes. Reaching forward, I pulled her into a hug, trying not to completely sob. "It wasn't just me either, we all helped move your stuff into my house and, clear out your old home. We wanted your return to be special." Pulling away a little, I looked back at all my friends, even Emma. She had a small smile on her face. She knew. 

"Come her you guys." One by one, each of them came in until we were all hugging. "I love you guys." I whispered. 

"We love you too, Vex." Kieran said. Maybe, everything wouldn't be so bad. With them, I could get through anything. I could get better. They would be the rock I need and soon, I would be brand new. 


Pulling into the school, I sighed, putting the car into the park and then waiting. I really didn't want to do this, didn't want to be the prized star of everyone's eyes, but I had too. The old Vex would have said "Fuck it" and gone in, just like I did on my first day. This Vex... she didn't have those words in her. She only had "Get it over with" which, wasn't any encouragement. Groaning, I got out of the truck, grabbing my bag and heading for the front doors. Immediately, my eyes caught Brooke, Noah and Audrey walking towards the school, quickening my step, I managed to somehow catch up.

"Hey." I said, softly. 

"Hey girl, you ready to return to hell?" Audrey joked. Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. 

"Not so much." Looking over to Brooke, I felt confusion wash over me. "What's wrong?" She looked over to me, shrugging.

"Jake and I are over." She said. Leaning over, I touched her shoulder lightly.

"I'm sorry Brooke." Shrugging, she shook her head.

"It's alright. Anyone seen Emma?" She asked, changing the subject. 

"She's on her way. Maggie found out she spent the night at Kieran's." Audrey said, hiking her bag up on her shoulder. 

"Ugh, Maggie drama." Brooke replied. "It's her first day back to school since the infamous meltdown. The last thing she needs is more tension." Brooke said. Looking down at my feet, I closed my eyes briefly. 

"Hey!" Someone shouted. Looking over, I smiled at the approaching Emma. 

"Emma!" Audrey shouted, just as they all began to compliment Emma. Chuckling lightly, I gave her a small smile. 

"Hey Emma." To my surprise, she pulled me into a hug before stepping to my side. 

"Hey Vex." Though we hadn't talked much, though we had been off the same page for a bit, we were going in this together. 

"Alright, enough with the eggshells, let's go." She said. Walking by her side, I chuckled. 

"You tell'em Em." Into the school, immediately, eyes looked to us, following us as we made our way to the stairs. I could practically feel my heart beating out of my chest as we made our way up. Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Something dropped behind us, but I didn't stop to look, I continued up. If I stopped now, I don't know if I'd make it up. Looking back, I saw Audrey grab Emma's hand. 

"You good?" She asked. 

"Yeah." Emma said. "I'm fine." Smiling, I gave Audrey a quick nod as her eyes found mine as well. I was good. 


The truck is back!

Short chapter but that's because I want the class chapter to be a chapter of it's own. See you guys soon!

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