Cuffed :Chapter 24

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My stomach slammed against the side of the police car, knocking the breath from me as I continued to squirm, trying to break free from the Deputy's hold. 

"Let me go! This wasn't us you asshat!" I shouted, jerking my arms. The Deputy's hold tightened around my arm. 

"Hold still or we'll be forced to sedate you." With a hard pull, he jerked me upright before leading me to the side of the car and shoving me in roughly beside Audrey. 

"Are you alright?" She asked breathlessly as the door was slammed shut, the Deputy coming around and getting into the front. For that moment, I ignored her question, putting my face up to the bars. 

"We didn't do anything wrong, you have no right-" The Deputy looked back. 

"Ms. Wilson, we have every right to take the actions we are taking tonight. I suggest you keep quiet on the trip to the station, it's going to be a long night for all of us." My glare lingered on the back of his neck as he started the car, pressing lightly on the gas and getting onto the main road. Looking around the back seat, I tried to think of any way out. 

"Vex, relax, everything will turn out-" I turned to Emma who, stifled a gasp. To her, I probably looked like a wild animal; covered in blood and, nearly crazed. 

"No, everything will not be alright. People are going to die, Emma. They will die if we don't get out of this car and stop whoever the hell is hiding behind that mask!" My words were urgent yet, low enough so that the deputy could not hear. 

"You need to calm down, you're not-" Audrey began but, as I looked to the front of the car, as both Emma and I screamed out, she never finished. The deputy nearly hit the killer, only to swerve into a pole. 

In the front seat, the deputy groaned, pushing open his door slightly and, getting out of the car. No one could have saw it coming, however, I didn't scream as the killer pounced, jabbing his knife into the deputy over and over again. He pressed the deputy up against Emma's window, continuing to stab him. I felt the world sway around me as bile rose in my throat. I watched as the killer let the deputy's body drop. Watched as he ducked down.

Then he was gone.

One second, there. Another, gone. 

"W-where'd he go?" Emma gasped, looking around the car, pushing herself closer to the seat. Beside me, Audrey's head continued to whip around, looking for him. 

"I don't know." Both Audrey and I answered. The door beside me open and I pushed back, blocking Audrey and Emma with my body, preparing to defend them in whatever way I could. However, the killer merely squatted down, dangling a set of keys and his knife in front of me. He dropped the keys. Then, he vanished. 

"Those are the keys to the handcuffs." Emma said. Quickly, I turned my body, picking them up between my hands and turning back around. 

"Audrey, your hands." I ordered, quickly fumbling for the keyhole on the handcuffs. Finally, there was a faint click and Audrey pulled her hands around, taking the keys from me and unlocking Emma's. 

"Hurry, before he comes back." I whispered. 

"Come on, come on, come on." Audrey murmured to herself, finally moving onto my cuffs. As soon as the click sounded, we were all flailing out of the car, searching around the area. 

"Come on, we've got to go." I said. Quickly, Emma went around, leaning over the deputy's dead body and lifting up his gun.

"Seriously?" Audrey strained. Emma only gave her a quick nod before sprinting off, Audrey and I right behind her. 


"We need to find someone we trust, someplace safe to lie low for a little." I said, jogging beside Emma. Morning had come and, we were close to town. 

"Not yet, first, we need to make a call. Make sure it's safe to even go anywhere." Noah. God, what must he think about all of this? Pictures would be up soon if, they weren't already up. Guess it would be something we'd laugh about later. The time I was nearly arrested for murder. 

"Let's go into the gas station up ahead, I'm sure they'll have a phone." Audrey suggested. Emma gave a small nod, speeding up her pace and leading us right up to the front door. 

Walking in, we each gave one look to each other before splitting off, checking each row but, the only one there was the attendant who, was on the phone. 

"What now?" I asked, just as the attendant cleared his throat, holding the phone away from his ear. 

"This is gonna sound weird but, are either one of you three, Emma?" Before Emma could even react, I held my hand up. 

"That'd be me." I said. He gave me a small smile. 

"Here-" He held out the phone, "-it's for you." I grabbed the phone from him, looking to Emma and Audrey. 

"What do you want." I hissed, earning a confused look from the clerk. 

"Oh, Vex, you must feel like a star! Don't let it get to your head, I wanted to talk to poor Emma but, I see you like stealing the spotlight." He cackled. 

"Listen here you-" I began. 

"No, you listen. This game we've got going, I want to keep playing. So, if you turn yourselves in, or even get caught, I'm gonna gut someone you love. Better start running." Then the line went dead. I let out a frustrated groan before hanging it up, huddling in with Audrey and Emma. 

"He followed us here." Emma said. 

"I didn't see anyone outside." Audrey replied. I closed my eyes, trying to think. 

"We need to get somewhere safe. We need someone-" I was interrupted by the TV in the back of the store. There, plastered right onto the screen was our pictures. "We need to go now." I grabbed Emma and Audrey, rushing them out of the gas station. 

Once outside, I followed Emma but, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a beat up car and, in the front seat, I could have sworn I saw Kieran. 


For the amount of time I took to write it, this chapter sucks. I'm sorry guys but, hopefully the next chapter will be great! See you guys soon!

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