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Three weeks had passed since Kieran had been taken away and, I had been discharged from the hospital after some lose of blood. I hadn't waited long however, to jump right into planning a double funeral. One for my niece who, had died to try and help some people she barely knew. The other? For Eli who, had tried his best to warn us and, only ended up giving his own life.

No one else was coming. Noelle hadn't left the house since she had heard the news. Since the department had pulled her daughter's body from the orphanage in order for her to identify it.

It was just me.

Dressed in all black, I stood over the two graves. I had told them I wanted them buried before I came. Headstones up and ready. No one was coming for them to be lowered, so why not put them in right away?

"I'm sorry I couldn't save either of you." I whispered, holding the flowers at my waist. I couldn't think of much to say. What do you say to someone who died trying to save you? Or to save your friend? Lowering to my knees, I sighed, touching my hand to Hayden's headstone.

"I'm sorry I never tried to apologize after I stormed out. I should have been there. I should have been an aunt to you, protected you." Footsteps sounded behind me but, I paid them no mind, simply continuing to rest my hand on her headstone. A hand touched my shoulder lightly and, I looked up to see Noah smiling down at me, along with Emma, Stavo, Brooke, Wes and Audrey.

"You guys came." I whispered. Noah nodded.

"Of course we did." He said, helping me to my feet and pulling me into a hug. I sighed, resting my head on his shoulders.

"Will you be alright?" He asked gently. I stared off. Lately, I had been asking myself the same thing but, with them here, with me, I nodded.

"I will." I said, pulling back. Beside me, Brooke took my hand lightly, giving it a small squeeze.

"You know what-" I said softly. "I could really use a vacation." I said.

"Agreed." Audrey replied.


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