First Time Interrupted: Chapter 15 Part I

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"Vex." Noah moaned, touching my thigh hesitantly. I kissed his neck gently, chuckling to myself. 

"That sounded nice, wonder if I-" Carefully, I sucked on the crook of his neck, his body stiffening beneath me as he moaned once more. Bringing my hands away, I reached down slowly, taking his in mine and placing them where he had so hesitantly tried to touch before. "Hold me." I whispered, moving my lips back to his. As his hands wrapped around my thighs, gently at first but, then with a strong grip, I ground my hips into his, starting slowly. 

"Dammit." He moaned. His lips left mine and, then it was my turn. Heat flared through me as he trailed kisses down my neck, letting one of my thighs go so he could push away my shirt, continuing the kissing attack onto my collarbone. I ground my hips into his once more, feeling him through his jeans. I could feel his confidence rising as he began to toy with me, sliding his free hand up into my shirt, the other still gripping my thigh. 

Pushing him onto his back, I watched his face fall for a brief moment as I pulled off my shirt, leaving me in my plain, red bra. "You know Foster-" I said. His eyes reflected mine perfectly. Excited. Interested. Hungry. "I don't like being toyed with." Reaching forward, I unbuckled his belt, feeling myself grow impatient. I could see it in him too. Arching up, he pulled off his shirt quickly as I finished unbuckling his jeans, pulling them down to his ankles. Climbing back on top of him, I pressed my mouth on his, kissing him with urgency and need. His hands reached behind me, touching the back of my bra before carefully unhooking it. 

"Vex!" Someone shouted, my front door opening and slamming. "Noa- Oh my God!" Audrey screamed. I shot up, looking over to see Audrey covering her eyes. "Dear god, I'm so sorry, oh my god." Her body turned back towards the door, though she wasn't leaving. 


"Audrey!" I shouted, reaching behind my back and rehooking my bra, Noah pulling on his shirt and standing up quickly. 

"I know, I know!" She said, turning around and running a hand through her hair. "Dear god I know, but it's urgent." 

"I really don't think it's that urgent!" Noah commented, the annoyance in his voice seeping out. 

"Trust me-" She said, turning back around, "it's urgent." 

"What do you mean?" I asked, raking my fingers through my tangled hair, trying to keep my own annoyance at bay. 

"Yeah, someone better be dead." Noah said. With that, Audrey gave us the single look that said it all.

"Wait-" I began. 

"Is someone-" Noah asked.

"Dead?" We both concluded. Audrey sighed, walking over and taking a seat, nodding her head. 

"Ms. Lang, she um..." Audrey started. I sat next to her, my hand covering my mouth.

"Is she...?" I trailed. 

"No, no. Ms. Lang is in the hospital, she's recovering, but she was attacked. The police say she was thrown down the stairs. Until she wakes up and recovers enough to speak, the police wont know what happened for sure. The one thing they are sure about however is that there is a killer on the loose once more, no one can deny that anymore." Audrey said. I shook my head. With Jake's death, all of us getting cryptic messages and being attacked, there was no way this town could deny it any longer. We truly were murderville. 

"All I know is that she was lying at the bottom of the stairs, broken. It looked bad, I have no idea if she'll live. Even if she is at the hospital, she may not recover. The cops suspect she was thrown of the stairs, like I said but, it still doesn't explain why he texted me to come." 

"He obviously had something planned." I said while Noah sat on the other side of Audrey, thinking. 

"Yeah, and he wanted me to go there alone." She replied.

"And you did. That was stupid!" Noah exclaimed. "Do you have any idea what could've happened? What were you thinking?" Noah asked. 

"He was gonna send that image of me with Jake's body to Brooke, and I couldn't let that happen." Audrey defended. She stood from the couch. "But I think he was trying to do the same thing again, like with Jake's body at the storage unit. He wanted me there for whatever was gonna happen with Lang, and I think he wanted me to look like I was a part of it." She concluded.

"Oh god." I whispered. 

"Or something even worse." Noah said. "Why didn't he go through with it though?" He asked. Audrey looked down, thinking for a moment before her eyes widened. 

"The janitor!" She said. 

"He was interrupted by the janitor." Noah said. 

"Before you got there, before he could finish whatever he was doing." I added. "He's trying to turn you into a pawn in his sick, twisted game." I said. 

"Vex is right, whatever he's planning, whatever he is trying to accomplish, he's trying to set you up as the bad guy." Noah said. 

"You're both right. If that janitor hadn't had been there, who knows what I would have been walking into." Audrey said, looking to both of us, fear evident in her eyes. 

"We've got to start being more careful." Noah says gently. "All of us. Whatever the killer is playing at, he wants to bring others down with him. If he goes out, he wants fireworks and all, he wants it to be remembered and, he wants as many people to fall as possible." Noah explained. 

He was right after all. The killer did want that. He wanted us all to feel pain over something, but what. As the night came to an end, both Audrey and Noah leaving, I realized with terror that this killer was on a whole other level than Piper had been and, that if we all weren't careful, our names just might end up on the list of casualty's. 


Sitting alone in my room, the house silent, I sighed. During all of this, I had forgotten about something that, though at the moment was the least of my worries, still weighed into my future. Homework. I dreaded even a mention of it. Though the teachers had been pretty lenient with the deaths and, the new killer on the rise, I was still expected to complete it before the end of the semester. Of course though, through all of this, the last thing on my mind was how to properly excel in Physics. 

Sprawling out on my bed, I laid what I needed to get done tonight, verse what I just needed to get done, in front of me, sighing. I would be forever grateful to the person who saved me from this personal nightmare. Of course though, life is a bitch.

The doorbell rang, causing me to jump slightly at the sound. I should have let at least Noah or Audrey stay for, the sudden realization that I was all alone fell over me. Carefully standing from my bed, I looked around my room for any sort of weapon which, I of course did not have. Not even an old baseball bat. Reaching forward, I grabbed my mothers old letter opener which sat on the corner of my computer desk, deciding that it was better than nothing before heading into the hall, looking down the stairs. 

A dark shadow stood in the window of the front door, but I couldn't make out who it was. Fear coursed through me as I took a step at a time down the stairs, nearly jumping out of my skin when the doorbell rang, loud and clear, once more. 

Reaching the bottom of the steps, my bare feet touched the cool, wooden floor of the front entrance, my heart beating a hundred miles per hour in my chest. Reaching forward, I hesitated in opening the door. What would I do if it was the killer? Fight him hand to hand? He probably had a weapon. Fight him with a tiny letter opener? Pure genius Vex. 

With a deep breath, I yanked the door open, holding up the letter opener and preparing myself for a fight. Of course though, my arm dropped slowly to my side as my eyes met a piercing blue pair. His flashy smile spread over his face and, immediately, I felt the surge of trust, even though all trust had been lost when he had refrained from telling me he was alive. 

"Wes." I whispered. 

"Long time, no see, Vex." He said. 

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