The Letters :Chapter 2

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"You've got to be kidding me! Not even one letter?" Brooke exclaimed. She stood from the bed, opening her phone. "I'm going to give those bastards a call." Before she could, I reached up, snatching her phone away. 

"Brooke, don't. It's alright. I'll talk to them later, I'm sure...." I broke off, unable to finish. I wasn't sure of anything anymore. There was just to much going on in my head, to many things pushing through that, I couldn't trust my own thoughts anymore. 

"You're sure of what? The least they could have done was contact you." She said. I shook my head, standing from the bed. 

"Brooke, it isn't that easy. All my letters, each of them, they read. Maybe, maybe they thought hearing from them would only make things worse. Emma and I, though we both went through hell, and though I don't want to put her pain down, I went through a hell of a lot worse of a breakdown than her. They probably thought that it would be a trigger." I wanted to believe the words spilling from my mouth, but I knew what they really were. I couldn't trust my thoughts, I couldn't trust myself, now my words were forming the only thing they could...lies. Noah and Audrey hadn't tried to contact me, if they had, their letters would have made it through. The doctors wanted me to contact friends, they thought it would make my case better. 

Stepping forward, Brooke slung her arm around my shoulders, sighing. "Well, you'll see them tonight at the welcome home party, I'm sure you can ask them there." She said. Looking over to her, I gave her a tight smile.

"I don't know, Brooke..." She didn't let me finish. Instead, she grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. 

"I promise. It'll be good for you. Jake and Kieran will be there, so if you end up not talking to them, you'll have a few people to hang around." Chuckling, she pulled herself and I to our feet, dragging me towards the door. "We should probably head over now, I've got to do set up and you- shit." Stopping, she looked to me. "This is supposed to be welcome home for you too. You can't come in." Laughing, I pulled her out the door. 

"It's alright Brooke, it's the thought that counts. Let's just go." With a heavy sigh, she nodded, closing the door behind us. 


"We'd say surprise but, considering you're here before set up, just seems a little stupid." Jake said, standing in the crack of Kieran's front door with a dopey smile on his face. Chuckling, I shook my head. 

"And the fact that you told me earlier just kind of ruins it anyway." I said. Brooke walked up beside me, pushing Jake into the house. 

"Hey babe." Jake whispered, grabbing Brooke's waist. Brooke rolled her eyes, pushing him back a little. 

"Move over so Vex can get in, while ya?" She chuckled. Walking into the house, I smiled at the two. 

"I always shipped it." I joked. Jake smiled, leaning down and kissing Brooke quickly before shutting the door. 

"So did I." He replied. Scooting past me, he lead us into the back, small kitchen we're Kieran stood, putting beer into the fridge. 

"Hey, Brooke, can you ice the cake for-" Kieran stood up, surprise crossing his face. 

"Vex, hey." He whispered softly. Chuckling, I stepped forward as he closed the fridge, opening his arms. 

"Hey Kieran. Thanks for the surprise." I said. He chuckled. 

"Well, not much of a surprise for you anymore." He paused. "But, you're back so, I can't really complain." He let go of me, pushing me back a bit. "How have you been?" He asked. Shrugging, I crossed my arms over my chest, looking to my feet.

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