Chapter Eleven: Love In Numbers

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An hour later we arrived at a small house near a lake, it was a wooden cabin with stone foundation. I didn’t pay much attention to it because something was waiting for me on the porch that drew my attention. Kyle was already here. I wanted to be held by him.

“Where have you been?” He shouted as he ran towards us. Justin held me but Kyle took me from his grasp. I was happy to be in his warm arms though they were a bit rough compared to those of Justin.

“We had an unforeseen stop.” Justin said.

“Did anything happen?” Kyle asked and he hugged me gently.

“No, nothing happened.” I told him and he believed me even though it was partially a lie. Justin didn’t say anything as Kyle took me into the house. Inside there was a fire ablaze, in front of it sat two elderly people who looked doubtful. The man stared at me and then at Kyle.

“You have not mated.” He said and Kyle shook his head. “You should.” The man said. Kyle ignored him and took me upstairs. He brought me to a small room with white walls and a simple double bed. There was one small window with a view of the lake. Kyle lied me down on the bed carefully and tucked me in under the covers.

“What is ‘being mated’?” I asked him, I had heard the phrase a few times but weren’t we already mates?

“Mating is… something like marriage, but the werewolf way.” He told me.

“But what does it entail?” I asked.

“Well, to form that type of bond you have to… have intercourse… and if the mate is human it is common to change the human into a werewolf.” He said. I stared at him in shock, not by his words but from the words of his grandfather.

“Your grandfather is encouraging you to have sex and change me into a werewolf… wait change into a werewolf? I didn’t know you could do that!” I told him.

“It can only be done under certain circumstances, during the mating and it’s best to do it with a moon that is half full or completely full, somewhere between that you have the greatest chance of success.” He said.

“Why didn’t you tell me about that?” I asked him.

“Well, I thought that would come when the time was right, I didn’t want to scare you with talk of sex, you’re only sixteen, you’re still underage!” He said.

“I know but I like to hear things beforehand.” I told him.

“Alright, from now on I’ll tell you those kind of things.” He said.

After that a few scary days passed, 7 to be exact, in which nothing much happened, his grandparents only came up to bring me food and didn’t seem to like me very much and I wondered why. Within those days Kyle and I grew closer, my love for him grew slowly, about as fast as my wound healed. He and Justin had formed a pattern as to who was supposed to watch me, Justin watched me at night when I was asleep and Kyle watched me during the day so he could get to know me better. On that seventh day the stitches were taken out and I was allowed to stretch my legs for a bit.

Kyle supported me as I made my first steps, it made me feel like a baby but I was glad to be able to gain some freedom again. Kyle and I laughed when I stumbled and landed in his chest. While he laughed I could feel his chest vibrate. His heartbeat was steady and I had grown accustomed to it.  

Everything was calm, there was no news of the other werewolf, Alexander. I was curious as to what he wanted, and I didn’t know why he was after me. the more I thought about it the less he seemed like a threat and I started to relax and focused on healing.

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