Chapter One- Tired

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BEFORE YOU READ: Hey, Sorry if this story is well cringey because I wrote this like a year ago and I'm working on refining it a bit. So more updates soon! 💓

So pretty much it was a nice beautiful day. The sky was bright blue and it had fluffy clouds I was surrounded in lushes green hills. That's what I wish it would be but my annoying sister had to wake me up. "Rise and shine!" Chloe sang out. "Oh shut it." I groaned and tossed to my side "No can do!" My eyes still shut tightly. Chloe yanked the curtains aside and the light burst into my room, which was blue and it had it had a nice couch bed with a night stand. It wasn't really girly just a tomboy room since I am one, because people call me that. "C'mon Liz! Wake up mom is cooking bacon and eggs with a side of waffles, it's Saturday now wake up we're going to the mall," Chloe says and she yanks the covers off of me. "Ugh, fine," I groaned at the thought of going to the mall but than there was a booming noise coming down stairs. "WOAH!" I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs and froze.

Hey guys did you enjoy the chapter
Sorry if it was short. I promise you I'll make the next chapter exciting and long!And yes, I'm a fan of Christian Josiah Kirk Collins. I'm a Colliner!
Bye my beautiful butterflies! Until we meet again :D

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