Chapter 7- Hope

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Liz's POV

I was on the verge to cry. I started crying but didn't notice until Josiah parked the car and wiped it away, I turned completely red and turned my head towards the window after being embarassed. I looked at Chloe once again and wondered if she was going to wake up, I turned a bit pale so Michael gave me a glass of water, "Thanks," I mumbled and looked at Chloe again with a face that had ao much hurt, "Hey, don't do that face," Josiah finally spoke "It hurts me," He mumbled but I heard ans turned a bit pink but covered it up, "Okay, Let's bring Chloe to the Healing Station although I don't know where that is," I replied, "It's this way," Michael said leading the way while Josiah is caring her, a pang of hurt struck my chest, why am I feeling hurt I asked myself? Also why do I feel hurt when I see Michael looks are Chloe differently? I questioned when we finally got to the place, I did the paper work on what happened I concentrated so much while they were operating on Chloe to see what was wrong with her. I felt being shaken I looked over and I couldn't hear anything, finally when I focused on Josiah's voice it finally cleared up, "Don't over work yourself," One of his foot was on the piller while his opposite foot was on the floor and his hands were in his pockets, I felt myself checking him out. Than I finally spoke "I have to, for Chloe." He looked at me like I had two heads, "Hey even though Michael is my Blood-Brother I get it, you have to do it for their safety and health." He said, "Yeah now you ge- wait Michael is your brother?!?" I questioned while having a confused face. "Yes, don't you see the resemblence?" Josiah Said while smirking enjoying my confusion. "Why you gotta be so ruuude," I sang and than we bursted out laughing, "Why do you laugh like this Tee hee Tee hee," I copied his laughter "No I don't laugh like that!" He pouted.

Chloe's Pov

I suddenly woke up in this hospital I think?? I heard a knock and immediately shutted my eyes it was Josiah,Liz, And Michael. I heard them talking and when I felt someone's hand I opened my eyes, it was Josiah's hand. Huh? I blushed a bit, "Are you o-" before he finished Liz came all Sassy on him and went "Move Bish, also sorry I gotta speak to my sistah from the same mothah" we all laughed together I even teared up a bit, "All jokes aside are you okay?" Michael said with soft eyes. "YEPP DOO DAAA," I said we laughed again. "BUT I FEEL LIKE A DINOSAUR RAWRRR" I say as Michael came up and ruffled my hair "Sure hun,"

Hey guys it's your queen Butterflies Jk, Anyways sorry for the Long aawsh break and yes I know I spelt that wrong, I maybe will make two chapters tomorrow my beautifuls And ohhhh can it be Chloe liking Josiah & Michael breaking the love triangle. CROWD: OH NO SHE DIDN'T (a Laurence from Minecraft diaries from aphmau reference) I don't know we will find out peace my lovelies *spreads wings and flies away dramatically* TEE HEE

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