Chapter 13- Meet up & The Reveal

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Josiah's POV


Crawf & I headed our way to Burger King. As usual I was wearing a Navy Blue sweatshirt with black sweats, along with a beanie. We sat in the back as usual when we did meet ups like this, you may think this seems shady but around here its natural. I know bizarre right?

Crawford sighed. "Shit." He huffed placing his face in his palms. "What?" I asked seeming concern, I mean wouldn't you be concern if your friend or brother is acting up? "I forgot that Liz is coming, Fuck!" He muttered. "Oh yeah, just shrug it off and don't look at her if you seem heartbroken or however concerned." I said trying to keep my cool, yep it worked! "Okay bro, sit next to me. So she doesn't stare into my deep deep heartbroken soul." He says with no emotion at all.

I stopped and took a long time to process on what's happening. Whether I should give in or let him work it out, but I gave in because I was also heartbroken "Alright bro. I got you," I chuckled giving him a reassuring look.


Liz's POV

"No, not this one babe sorry." I sighed "It's okay babe, just give me one last kiss?" I giggled and gave him a long kiss. Things got heated he slowly reached up my shirt but me being me, and following my instincts, I pulled away in .5 seconds. Yep that's how fast I moved. "S-S-Sorry!" Cameron said while his face looked like a tomato. "It's okay. I gotta go though see you later? I will call you when I get out kay?" I gave him a cheeky smile. "Yeah. Love you babe." He smiled widely. "Love you more!" I gave him one last peck and drove to Burger king.


"Finally they are fucking here." I groaned. Josiah gave me one last reassuring look to see if I was okay. I gave him a nod.

Bethany's POV

Michael looked a bit nervous but I wasn't going to question that.

Josiah's POV

I wondered why my brother was so tensed up when they walked in. Oh wait never mind, "Finally you guys are here!" Crawford groaned. He isn't the patient type as you see. "Why the fuck are you angry?" Bethany joked
"Well my bad you guys came here 30 minutes late." He shot back giving a glare. "Okay.. okay calm down Godzilla!" Bethany surrendered. While Liz snickered in the background. Man I love her so much.

Didn't she hurt you? Aren't you the one heartbroken?
My concious argued

Yes she did. But me loving her will never stop. And yes I am heartbroken.

"Anyways, what is the mission?" I finally spoke up. "Oh yeah that!" Bethany finally remembered. "We are going to go to scho--" Bethany's phone rang. "The inquistor whats to hologram with us?" Yeah that's right, holograms exist but human kind doesn't know that for various reasons.

"Okay pick it up but make sure no humans see it." I cautiously said. She moved her finger to pick it up. The inquistor looks almost as if she's 21 but she's 38. She had long hair, wavy on the bottom half of her hair, brown hair, blonde tips, a chubby face, (Hah yep that just happened!) An average ish size, and her face looks like a cake. Yep that's hope much make is on it. "Oh I forgot to tell you one last thing. We will be relocating you and your family members into a mansion. ALL of your family members will be in the same mansion. Meaning Liz, 'Michael' & Josiah, and Bethany's family will be in one mansion. While you guys will be put into a separate mansion, Meaning as usual you guys are staying together in one house hold, anyways," Moving our families with us is a waste of time because we barely see them because all four of us live together everyday. Its just doing them a favor, ehem getting them a even bigger house. Bigger than the last one and the last one was pretty gigantic! "It is not so far from here to intend and conquer your mission good luck. Shadow hunters Inquistor OUUUTT!" As in a blink of an eye she hanged us up. She Hologram dissed us, is that a thing? Well now it is! "Did she just... say inquistor out?" Crawf asked. "Yeah I think she did," Liz nervously laughed, not knowing what the heck happened.

"Well... that was awkward!" I said scratching my neck. "Yep!" Bethany agreeing along. "Anyways we will be intending school, I don't know why don't ask me ask the inquistor. We will be undercover as natural 14 and 15 years. So nothing will change but fitting school into our schedule. "Yay so fun!" Crawford sarcastically says. "Don't be a party pooped Michael!" Liz teases. "I am not!" Crawford denies. They kept arguing whats what. Honestly I tuned them out, until Bethany said something "The girls at school are probably going to crush on You and Michael! As known as the slutty ones," She grins. "Guys, I need to tell you something I was hiding from you all except for Josiah and Inquistor and the rest of the organization," Our attention was on Crawford. YEP he's going to do it. "My name isn't really Michael, It's Crawford. You can call me Crawf though." He sighed. "WHAT WHY'D YOU KEEP THIS FROM US!?!" Bethany shouted, earning us some gawks.

"I was afraid you guys would think my name is weird and stupid," He groaned in frustration. "Mic-- I mean Crawford we wouldn't be thinking that, you're beautiful as who you are," Liz said in concern. "Yeah, you're who you are you shouldn't be a shame of that," Bethany agreed. "Oh, and my name is actually Christian, But you can call me Chris," I winked. "Finally you told us your name after all these months you've been shady about it, by months i mean 8 months almost a year now." Bethany shakes her head pretending to be disappointed in me. "I will not do that anymore, grandma!" I jokingly said. "H-hey I am no grandma Sister!!" Bethany shouted. "Guys I think we need to head home to pack. Because in two days we will be relocating," Crawford broke up the childish fight. "Sir yes sir!" I soluted. We all laughed and jumped in the car and rode home.

So they finally reveal their names. Alls well ends well right? Not always like that! Hey but there might be drama coming. Or there might be not. Huehuehue *rubs hands together as if I am an evil genus* (wait I am jkjk) Stick around to find out! Bye loves!! And you're welcome I made a long chapter!

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