Chapter 2- Shocked

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WARNING: Before you click the Youtube Video it has curse words.

Elizabeth's POV

Chloe saw what I was looking at and froze in shocked. Dad was home, you see when we were younger(7Years Old) father rarely comes home. He always said that he was on a business trip but is that really? I wondered until my mom was the first to say something "Um, Chloe and Elizabeth we need to tell you guys something," my mother says with her face a bit pale as if she didn't want to tell whatever was going on. I cleared my throat "U-uh what is it mother?" I stuttered. "Well you see honey I was never on a business trip, before you start shouting and asking, why you see our whole family are placed in many different groups.." father paused to take a sip of water "There's shadow hunters and other people such as vampires, lycanthropes,and warlocks. But there's some bad ones such as demons, but they what so ever aren't in this world we have a barrier between this world and downworlders but shadow hunters aren't downworlders. They work for the Nephilim. However, you two are Shadow hunters. Shadow hunters are people who slay demons. We haven't told you this because we have a strict rule Shadow hunters aren't allowed to fight until there parents think so. So we decided to tell you when you turn 14. Which you guys are now. Any other questions?" He asked but we looked amazed on how these things existed and yes Chloe and I are twins but we do not look alike, so Chloe has Blond hair, gray eyes, average size. While I have red hair, blue eyes, also average sized. But Chloe is the more girly one. "Oh and here's your stele,it's a tool used to mark yourselves," he handed us each one. "Father? How do we work this?" I asked, I'm always curious. "Just point it towards where you want to mark yourselves. Press it against the skin and you can use a healing ruin or whatever you need, if a word pops in your mind it's normal." He explains

"Thanks for explaining Dechlan!" I exclaim because I'm excited. And yes I call my unbiological father that, also yes he isn't my biological father. I just think of him as one and so does my 'mother' it's his girlfriend they took us in after when they heard our parents died in a car crash. Ever since, I started calling them Mother and Father. "You guys will be meeting a group of shadow hunters you will be grouped up with tomorrow, they will be your life long partners, you guys will start missions, and yes you do get paid on the amount of demons you have slayed." Dechlan hugged us and pinched our cheeks "You guys grown so much," he says as his face lightens up he hands Chloe and I small boxes. He smiles and noticing our confused looks he screeches like a girl who seen a puppy "It's your gifts! Open em' up!" He jumps up and down. "WOAH!" Chloe & I said in unison. We both had a bracelet that probably costed $100 each. That had a small kitty and a half a heart in its hand. Both Chloe and I knew to connect it so we putted it on and embraced Dechlan in a big hug. "Thank you!" I whispered in his ear. "You're welcome Elizabeth Taylor Smith," Dechlan replies we pulled out the hug and he went back to Mother's side and wrapped his arm around her waist. We gave him another smile and jogged up the stairs

Next day.

As promised I wrote a big chapter. Did you enjoy? Leave comments down below what you think is going to happen!
Love you my little butterflies! <3

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