Chapter 21

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Luke's POV

I hum at the song mistletoe by Justin bieber. "Nice voice ya got there!" Liz yawns and stretches. Luke gets a pinkish color. "Huh? Why are you red?" She tilts her head. She rushes over and tests my forehead. I blush a bit. "Eh..erm--" I stutter. Liz gives me a quizzical look "Well you don't have a fever, then why are you red?" She asks herself. "It's erm uh nothing," I chuckle nervously while scratching my neck. "Well okay then...? Want to go down to the dining room and get breakfast?" She smiles. 'Awh I love her' my thoughts said. "Yeah sure!" I grinned. About now we are in the living room but going down to the dining room. She sings mistletoe softly. "Wow. You're voice is like my mother singing to me," I kind of get a bit sad but clear the air with a smile. She looks worried at first but blushes. "Thanks! I um like your smile," She compliments me back. I thought it was adorable. We continue talking until we arrive at the dining room. "YOO-HOO~" Lucinda hollers at us. "I uh will go ask the chefs to cook us breakfast, would you prefer pancakes and bacon with orange juice?" I ask her quickly. She nods with a beautiful grin.


I walk over to where Lucinda is sitting. "So how are you and Luke doing?" She asks eagerly. "Huh?" I tilt my head. "Well I've seen you guys being lovey dovey lately, tell me about it, I'm your childhood friend," Her eyes sparkle for more juicy information. "Well...for starters we're okay, I just adore him because he's gallant, and adorable and.." I pause 'what am I saying? Am I in love?' My mind says. "OOOOOOOO KAWAIII," She looks like she's going to die over cuteness.

Luke's POV

I just finished ordering for us. I overheard what Liz said

"Well I've seen you guys being lovey dovey lately, tell me about it, I'm your childhood friend," Lucinda's eyes sparkle for more juicy information. "Well...for starters we're okay, I just adore him because he's gallant, and adorable and.." Liz pauses "OOOOOOOO KAWAIII," She looks like she's going to die over cuteness. I get a bit red on what she said. Liz likes me back? WHAT?!?!?! I cough loudly to let them know I'm coming. "Are you okay luke?" Liz asks "I've heard that terrible cough you okay?" I see a glint of sparkles in Lucinda's eyes. She giggles. "Yeah I'm okay," I say as I focus my attention back on Liz. I sit down next to her. We just had breakfast and had small talk. I finished and got up and said "I'm going back upstairs and change, because I'm going for a walk," I state. I hear Lucinda whisper to Liz "This is your chance," I pretend I don't hear nothing and walk off. "WAIT!!" Liz yells "I'M COMING!" I smile to myself and gesture her to hurry. We walk up the stairs. After walking halfway Liz stops me by grabbing my hand. "Can I um ask you something?"..She asks shyly lookin down at her feet. "Yeah," I gulp. "Will you um...go out with me as in on a date?" She says shyly. My heart skips a beat. "Uh erm yeah sure. 8:00 P.M tomorrow babe," I tilt her chin up and kiss her softly. She responds back and kisses me. I move away slowly and say "Yeah, so um...Let's get changing you said you're coming with me on a walk right?" I say nervously. I walk her to my room and walk to mine.


"I can't believed what happened," I screeched. Hmm what should I wear

 Hmm what should I wear

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Perfect.. I walk out and Luke is there. "Wow, babe, you look....Sexy," He mumbled. I blush.

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