Chapter 16- I Need A Break

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Time skip at the end of the day.

Finally I am out of that school, the people there were fun and nice, Well except for those ..Mean girls. We were waiting for Luke in front of the limo. Crawf looking through his social media. Bethany looking through fashion websites. Chris tweeting. Well I was looking for Luke. I saw luke since he's tall, with that goofy smile and dirty blonde hair.

"Hey, Luke over here!" I shouted a bit so Luke could here me. Well I also brought attention, it's normal for us now. His head turned to the sound of my voice and he came sprinting over. "Bro, What's up?" Chris & Crawf says while bro hugging Luke. "Heyyo Luke, great day in school?" Luke responds to all three of them, "It was alright, and yeah it was kind of great. Although my ELA teacher is making us write an essay, I wouldn't complain since I am good at ELA." He ends with a smile.

"So should we head out?" Crawf says while moving his hair out of his face. "Yeah sure," Luke exclaims, it kind of looks like a light bulb went off in his head. We all hopped in the car and told the chapperone where we gon' go. "Home please," Chris politely says. "Ah okay." The chapperone smiled. "Who's the new guy?" He asks, "He's uh a friend that also works with the Inquister as a shadow hunter, I mean we haven't had an opportunity to slay one yet, for these past couple of days.

"Well, it's not that easy to catch those pesky demons," Chapperone exclaims. "He's right," I finally spoke up. They all smiled at me, which was kind of freaky since they did it the same gime. Chills went up my spine. "Er-- So what do you guys want to do when we are at home?" I stumbled over my words. "Well we could just hang then, just go to the mall," Bethany laughs at my boredom, I am not mad at her for that, she's the light in this group and she's funny. "Sounds good," Luke agrees. "Yessum let's do that," Crawf says and we all laugh. "Pretty a good plan to me," Chris smirked at me while I was staring at him. You may think he had THAT effect on me, you know when you stare at someone and they caught you and you blush, yeah not me, I just felt chills go up my spine.

"We are here, Sir" Chapperone pulls up to the front way, Luke's face is shocked at where we live but looks like he's amazed. We all headed into the gate and walked into the living room. We sat down and watched a movie, Luke was sitting next to me Crawf,Chris and Bethany across. Before I knew Luke's hand was on my thigh under my blanket.

Wait what?

You know exactly what he's doing.

Make him stop!

Don't you have a liking to him?

I mean I like every--

Not like that you know what I mean.

Argh, I like Cameron.

You also like Chris,Crawf And Luke.

W-What no.

You can't have all, choose.

I-I... Can't it's hard.

I was basically battling with my consciousness. "Sorry, I get nervous during movies," Luke whispers while removing his hand. "It's okay," I whispered back. Cameron came over and we went upstairs.

This is where it gets Rated R Caution!Caution! Continue reading you've been warned.

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