Chapter 19- Regaining Memories

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Beth's POV

All I remember was being passed out. All the sounds that I heard before I fully passed out was, "CALL THE AMBULANCE," Crawf Screched. I heard paramedics rushing in. Then that's when I had unusual flashbacks. Of someone, a little girl with blue hair.. It seemed like her natural hair color.


"Momma, Look! Look!!" The little girl with blue hair flashed a green light in her hand. She grinned big. "Lucinda!!" A tall figure came in the view, the little girl who's name was Lucinda it seems, was looking at a person with a beautiful figure and great curves. She had minty green hair, like I said before it seems like a natural hair color but how. That's when it comes into the view. This is.. Terbilia where my I was from, I know it may seem like a made up name.

It is not, humans do not know where I come from, this magical place called Terbilia, the people that weren't from where i was haven't yet discovered this magical world, that looked to be seem filled with magic and it was beautiful. Everyday was a great day for everyone, it's peaceful there. Let's keep it that way. But every so often people would go on quests to earn Emeralds or Gold, to feed themselves and thrive throughout the magical mysterious world. They have unnatural hair colors then any other world. Normally people would have brown or blonde hair, but no my world has many different kinds of hair colors. Anyways enough of my boring history of my World Terbilia.

The women with minty hair seemed to be the mother of Lucinda. The mother looked down at the child with complete awe. "Lucinda, great job sweety," The mother bent down to give the blue haired daughter a hug. Lucinda hugged her back. "Thank you, momma. When can I learn another spell?" Lucinda sent a quizzical look to her mother. The mother laughed, she had a beautiful laugh, it was filled with pure happiness. It was like an angel playing a harp. "Ah, eager aren't we?" The mother shot a smile to her daughter. "Buut momma!! I want to learn more so I can be strong like you and dadd!" Lucinda whined and ended off with a pout.

"How bout' tomorrow dear? Momma is exhausted," The mother looked at her daughter with complete happiness, like her daughter brought pure light to the mother. "Yaaay," The child jumped in joy. The flashback ended when a finger tapped my shoulder. I turned, and came face to face with a blue haired girl. "Ah.. You're back Bethany?" The person asks. "Ah, what? Who are you?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I am Lucinda, the child from that memory you regained," Lucinda smiles brightly.

"Wait.. what?" I got more confused each second. "Eh, don't remember still?" Lucinda's face dropped but then smiled and flashed her Pearly white teeth. "Come back to Terbilia again, but this time.. Physically kay'?" She asked. The world 'Terbilia' made me regain every memory I had, it came together. I was suppose to find Prince Crawf and Prince Chris and Princess Elizabeth. "Prince Crawford...And Prince Chris... and Princess Elizabeth..I was suppose to bring them back to Terbilia." I blurted. But I fell in love with Crawf instead. "They aren't suppose to be Shadowhunters. They mistakingly fell to the face of earth," I added regaining my memories. "Ah, you remember did you" Lucinda's face lighted up like a light bulb. "But you're forgetting Prince Luke, did you find him?" Lucinda asked. "Er..Yes I did," Lucinda clasped her hands together "Well goody!!" Lucinda chuckled. "Great job Baby sis, now get that dye out when you come back to Terbilia, Remember come back to Terbilia once you recover," Lucinda faded away slowly.

End of flashback

I woke up suddenly and the door was busted open. I twitched and watched Prince Crawford, Prince Chris and Princess Elizabeth come in. "Ah you're finally awake don't do that again, alright?" Crawford kneeled down and Hugged me. I hugged back. "So when am I getting released out of this hospital?" I asked hastily. "Eager aren't we?" Chris chuckled. No.. I just need to bring you guys back to Terbilia. "Yes," I laughed softly. "Are you okay Beth, you scared the Shit out of me," Liz asked her face was full of anxiety. "Yes I am," I answered. "You are getting released in a few minutes," Crawford ran his fingers through his hair. "Er.. I need to bring you guys to somewhere, do you mind?" I asked. "Yeah sure why not," Chris shrugged. "Where to?" Liz chirped. "Secret," I grinned. "We need to bring Luke along too!" I added. "Ah okay seems like we can go now." Chris spoke up.

We went to pick up Luke, he didn't care where we were going as long as he can tag along with us. I was driving knowing where to go. I finally found the carriages that had the flying griffons. They went into the carriages. I spoke up and told the griffons where to go. "Terbilia," They gave me confused looks. But I said it was fine. We arrived to Teribila, "Home sweet home!!" I jumped off the carriage. I gave the griffons a treat and thanked them. Shortly after they came off the griffons flied back to the Island.

I lifted my hand up and gestured it onto my hair and down. It turned back to my natural hair color, Teal. They looked me at amazement. I snapped my fingers and their hair went back to their original state. Prince Chris as Airforce Blue. Prince Crawf as Midnight Blue. Princess Liz as Amythyst. Luke as Coral. They looked at each other like they were in a different dimension.

"Welcome back to Terbilia," I gestured to the beautiful land behind me. "Terbilia?" Luke asked. "Where you guys originally came from, like me, but you guys mistakingly fell to the face of earth. So I brought you guys back to where you are originally suppose to be, your home." I explained making it less complicated and also saying it slow so it can register into their minds. They looked a bit flabbergasted. "Lucinda will explain when we get there." I chuckled at ther reaction. I whistled and the Unicorns came swooping in. "Get on one and I'll lead the way and you don't need to do anything, the Leader of the Unicorns will lead them, which means my unicorn." Their eyes sparkled.


We arrived at Lucinda's Hut. And I knocked. "You got my message good job Beth," Lucinda claps.

"Er yeah, can you explain this situation to them before they kill me?" I chuckled nervously


Yes! Finally I made a new chapter for y'all and plus Chris came out with a song called Worst way it's a killer! Go to

And go to his Music video and spam "ChillingCollins sent me XO,"  have a great day!!!!!

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