Chapter 14- It's Time

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Crawford's POV


It was the day, we had to be relocated, TODAY! And go to the shitty school the next day. All I knew was, it would be my first time going to a public school, since I have been home schooled for some reasons, please don't ask. I will tell you when I am ready to. Now my thoughts were roaming what will happen in school to us. What if, it would be the same in those movies those new students get bullied the first day. AGH Crawford your over thinking this. "Ah, I see you're having second thoughts." Chris grinned. He always has to read my thoughts damn you chris! But honestly my thoughts has still been occupied about school. There are what if's in my head right now.

"More like triple thoughts. What if--" I was interupted by Liz. "Crawford calm yourself! Jeez it's going to be school not Murder Mystery," Liz scoffed dramatically to be precise. "Alright, don't blame me I've been home schooled. Alright?" I stumbled between words. "So have I! NOW CALM DOWN!" Liz,Chris,and Beth says in unison. "Ah, fine butt holes," I chuckled

"Sometimes you're a child Crawf," Chris tried to be pissed. But I laughed at his attempt. We finally arrived to our mansion.

"This is? Ours?" I asked the chapperone

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"This is? Ours?" I asked the chapperone. He nodded. We all gave a blank stare getting lost in the mansions beauty. "Wow!" Bethany says as her eyes sparkle. We all rushed in and bursted through the door. "Oh! Wow!" We all said. The insides were incredible. We even had our own chef?!? WHAT! Liz of course was the first one to introduce herself. "Hello, I am Elizabeth but you can call me Liz," She smiled. Before Beth could introduce herself, Liz introduce each and every one of us. Which was comforting because we knew we couldn't do it ourselves. If we did we would've stuttered and well that's a complete mess. "This is Chris,"Liz introduced Chris to the Chef "Hello," Chris said politely. Than smiled. She pointed to Chris the tall handsome figure. Yeah that's right I complimented my brother. Shhh, don't tell him though.

The chef took in Chris's features. Depending on what she reacts to, she seems to quite like him. "This is Crawford," I waved and smiled. She also took in my features. "And lastly this is Bethany!" Liz says politely. Bethany waved. "Nice to meet you!" She whirled than grinned. The chef laughed. "Ah, nice to meet you all. I am Chef Amanda," She smiled at each and one of us. Next was the butler and Maid, who knew we had these people in the mission. We did the same process to all the people who worked at our mansion. "Now time to pick our room, when we are done meet back here?" Chris Spoke. We all nodded and raced up the stairs. Suprisingly we picked rooms next to one another or acrossed. Liz is next to me. Chris is across from me and Bethany is diagonally left towards my room. If I am confusing you, I will put it in a easier way to understand. Bethany is next door to Chris. I unpacked my stuff and organized my room. It was red with a black ceiling. I had a king sized bed for two. Being a loner I am. I sleep alone but it's kind of a good thing, because I can take up the whole bed without no one complaining. Anyways I had a desk and wheel chair, my laptop is placed on the desk. I however have a large closet it's almost a walk in closet. But I have many clothes so that's a good thing I guess. Anyways I have a good view of the pond behind the mansion. I jogged downstairs. Surprisingly I was the first one normally I am the last one. Chris came in next,Bethany and than lastly Liz of course.

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