Chapter 15- Difficulties

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After History the same thing happened in English we introduced ourselves. But after class these girls that dressed slut like we're walking up to me. "Hey, you're the new girl right?" The blond one with too much make up says while chewing her gum loud.

"Um, Yeah?" I responded trying not to roll my eyes. "Well stay away from Chris And Crawford or else," She glares. "No can do, they are my friends and I love them dearly," I shot back

Crawford's POV

Liz wasn't back yet to the group. Quite odd Chris and I went on a search for her. We saw these 3 girls that looked like sluts. Yuck. We heard the whole entire conversation. The only part that repeated in my head was "No can do, they are my friends I love them dearly," Liz shot back. "What?" I whispered to Chris. He had the same look as me. "Wow she's so brave," Chris says in amazement.

We walked towards them and I said "Don't talk to Liz like that, you sluts," We both scrunched our face in disgust. "Pfft, But Crawford Baby--" The blonde one says. "Don't call me baby, you nasty," I stated. "Ugh fine, Bye Lizzie," She gave Liz a nasty look but quickly fake smiled. Ugh she's so fake. "Doesn't she know that we saw that nasty look?" Chris spoke. "Are you okay Liz?" I questioned, she was just looking down blushing. "What? Is THE little Lizzie blushing?!?" Chris grinned. "N-No?" She tries to say confidently but fails. We pinched her cheeks. "Stop it Grandpas!" She smiled. Gosh I love her smile.

Chris POV

"Hey we ain't no grandpas sister!" I snapped my fingers dramatically. Than we all bursted into laughter. Bethany found us and shouted "HEY! I FOUND YOU GUYS! WHY'D YOU LEAVE ME BEHIND," We all covered our ears. "So.Loud.Ears.Hurt!" Liz says while covering her ears. "Oh sorry Liz, but where were you fools?" Bethany crossed her arms. "Um well we found these mean girls talking to Liz and they were mean to her, and than after when we confronted them they stormed off, like witches?" Crawford explains. "Oh Liz-" We were interrupted when we heard some blonde guy speaking to us, we turned our attention to him. "Oh hey, I am Luke and I wanted to introduce myself to you guys," We all waved back and introduced ourselves. "Nice to meet you Crawford,Christian,Bethany And Elizabeth," He waves to all of us. "Oh by the way there's a rumor that you guys are the popular kids in school now," He spoke up.

"WHA!?" We exclaimed and basically our eyeballs almost popped out of our sockets. "Yep," He smirks. "So I assume Ms.Jelika showed you around?" He smiled. "Ah yeah--how'd you--," Crawford tries to ask but he interrupts. "I am a shadow hunter too," He whispers only that all 5 of us could hear. "Oh really?" Bethany asks. "Yep!" He seems energetic.. Too much energy but we liked him. "So I'm going to Math," He says and waves before he turned I said "Cool bro we have Math too!" His face lighted up like a light bulb. We had Math we all sat near each other. "So this is how--" I was about to snooze off but the bell went off we rushed to lunch.

"MAN! I am hungry," Luke exclaims. "So we are the Popular kids, wow I thought school would be more worst," Bethany laughs. "You guys are cool after all," Luke compliments us. "Wow thanks bro!" Crawford says. "Thank you," Liz and Bethany says. "Thanks," I say and give him a bro fist. All eyes were on us when we walked in the cafeteria. It was weird.

"So, guys do you want to hang out after school?" Luke broke out the awkwardness. I would hug him but it would be weird, people watching us. "Uh yeah sure? Do you want to come with us in the limo or walk?" I said. "Uh It doesn't matter," Luke smiles. "Okay so your taking the limo with us," Crawf decided.

"Cool," Luke said. It was less awkward because people started talking now. We finished up our food and headed to class.

Sorry for the hold up! But I love this song I been Jamming out to it for a few days, fine more than a few days. How long? 2 days ago, NEVER LET YOU GOO! NEVER LET YOU GO GO! Haha I love the song sooo Much. I WON'T GIVE UP NAH NAH NAH. Love you guys peace ❤

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