Chapter 17- Planning

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Crawford's POV

"Awhh did wittle Liz admitted she loves us, THE Liz?" I teased. She giggled, I am happy that she is now single ready to eat a Pringle. Ahah, okay I will stop now. "We are proud of you Liz," Luke Says. "Thanks," She smiled. We had a group hug. Yeah yeah its sappy I get it but I really like Liz, so does Chris one of us is going to be heartbroken. I mentally sighed. I was a bit disappointed but also happy. I don't know what to do. Ergh why is love so complicated? "Well enough of that sappy stuff haha! Have you guys checked out my merch?" Chris asked (Hah yes Chris launched his Merch, I forgot to tell you guys but there's a code "EARLYBIRD" you will get 20% off on whatever you buy link is

Https.// get it now it's limited!)

"Yeah dude of course I did.. Kizzy,Kirsten, Mom And I were the first to look remember?" I questioned does he have memory loss? "Yeah I remember! I was asking Liz and Luke," Chris Laughed. "Who's Kizzy And Kirsten?" Liz's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Oh that's right she hasn't met them!! "They are our sisters!" Chris grins remembering that Liz hasn't met them. "You can meet them one day," I suggested. Chris's face lighted up at the thought. "Hey do you guys actually want to plan a trip to see Kizzy And and Kirsty?" I asked. "Yeah, Actually I haven't seen them in years by years I mean in like 2 days," Chris obnoxiously laughs. Liz flicks his arm. I chuckled. "Owwie!!" Chris rubs his arm. "Anyways when do you want to plan this trip," Luke breaks up the scene. "Maybe Friday? Since next week is a day off," I say. "Oh yeah great idea Crawf," Chris bro hugs me. I tossed Chris Snackables. "Thanks!!" Chris has an obsession with snackables. I mean who wouldn't they are a snack on the go!!

Sorry if this was a short chapter anyways Chris is working on something I know since he keeps tweeting Worst way. What do y'all think what it is? I think it's a new song :D! #worstway

My newest edit.. make sure to follow me on Twitter And Instagram they're both ChillingCollins as the username. Can't wait on what Chris is working on. Anyways go follow him on all his medias it's WeeklyChris for all of it! HAVE a  great day! Make sure to smile big since it's contagious love y'all peace out!

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