Chapter 2- Meeting the cast

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I just want to say a huge thank you to the response from the first chapter of this story.

Jamie's PoV

'It will just be a few quick drinks then back as we start early tomorrow' I tell Amelia as I speak to her on the phone, she is happy I am meeting everyone, so am I as it will be good to get to know who I will be working with.
I change into dark jeans, a button down shirt and my trainers grab my wallet and head out to meet everyone.
I see Sam at the table, she introduces me to Luke Victor and Eloise and says that they play Elliot Jose and Kate we all say out hello's and not long after Dakota arrives with a tall skinny guy who I am guessing is Matt, all I can think to myself is that she could do so much better than him.
'Hi guys, this is Matt' Dakota says breaking me from my thoughts.
'Hi everyone' Matt responds though he doesn't seem that bothered and is acting as if he doesn't really want to be here.
Everyone has a drink and the conversation is flowing when Matt who hasn't really said much so far suddenly says 'so who is the lucky one who gets to kiss my girlfriend' he says it with a smug smirk on his face that I don't like.
'Matt don't be so blunt' Dakota chastises him and smacks his arm looking at him a bit angry or embarrassed I can't decide which.
'Come on Dak it was only a joke' Matt says rubbing his arm but still wearing the stupid smirk that was on his face when he said it, which I decide needs taking of his face
'That would be me and I am sure I will have no complaints' I say back and give Dakota a cheeky wink to which I am sure she blushes, I look back to Matt and the smirk that was on his face has fallen now I am not a vain guy but I know I am not bad looking my modelling days show that maybe he feels threatened.
'I am sure you won't just make sure you don't enjoy it too much' he almost says with a snarl and a bit of venom in his voice. I decide to tell him he has nothing to worry about as I am married but before I can mention Amelia, Dakota jumps in 'omg Matt I can't believe you he is waiting for his wife and daughter to arrive. Stop embarrassing me' Dakota is getting really annoyed with him now but I wonder to myself how she knew I was married and have a daughter I know I didn't tell her.
'It was only a joke geez chill out will ya' he says in a sarcastic tone, I have decided I don't like this guy and that he also needs a few lessons in how to treat a woman,again I think to myself that Dakota could do so much better than this guy and why do I get the feeling that deep deep down I think that the guy could be me I really need Amelia here so I can put Dakota out of my mind. They stand up to leave and I hug Dakota and ask her if she is ok she just nods I think she is embarrassed by what Matt said she heads out with Matt, I make a mental note to try and talk to her tomorrow on set to let her know that me and her are fine and that she doesn't need to be embarrassed by tonight. I decide to head off to I get into bed and fall into a restless sleep unable to get Dakota completely out of my head.

Dakota's PoV

I am so embarrassed Matt promised me he wouldn't crack any stupid jokes tonight.
'Matt lets just go' I say I really can't face sitting here with him being like this and I am even more mortified after what he said to Jamie especially with him having a wife and daughter, maybe I should've just come on my own but Matt insisted on coming.
'Oh Dak the nights just getting started let's stay a bit longer' Matt almost whines like a child.
'No I need sleep before tomorrow lets go' I say in my I'm pissed at you tone.
We say our goodbyes and Jamie gives me a hug and when he does he asks me if I am ok I just nod as I really don't want to talk about it with Matt here when he is the problem I make a note with myself to speak to him on set tomorrow.
We get back and I go straight to bed wondering how I will exactly explain his behaviour to Jamie when I speak to him tomorrow,and why does how he behaved and what Jamie thought matter,maybe I just don't want to be with Matt anymore or is it that I am developing feelings for Jamie. I fall into a restless sleep not completely being able to get Jamie off my mind and I just hope that tomorrow on set isn't too awkward.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, I have got a couple more chapters written just need to check them but hope to update tomorrow or Tuesday

What the heart wantsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें