Chapter 16-Boy or girl?

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Dakota's PoV

I am so excited,today is my 20 week scan and we have decided to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I really want a little girl but I think that Jamie wants a boy as since we found out I was pregnant he has been saying him or our son,I am even starting to worry that he will be disappointed if we found out that we are having a girl. I finish getting ready and I go to find Jamie 'hey babe you ready to go' I ask when I find him in the kitchen 'I am ready when you are baby,let's go so we can see our son' I let out a sigh and Jamie must see that something is up as he leads me to the sofa 'Dakota what's up and don't say nothing' he asks me in a gentle tone 'Jamie,this may be me being stupid but I just feel that you are so wanting a this baby to be a boy that you might be disappointed if it's a girl' I say but then look down as I don't want to see his face he lifts my chin up so that I am face to face with him 'Dakota,baby I am sorry that I made you think that I would end up disappointed if we had a girl' he kisses my lips gently and wipes my tears away,now I just bad for bringing it up 'let's go and see our baby' I say trying to bring our good mood back 'ok baby lets go and see our son or daughter' he says and gives me another kiss on the lips.

Jamie's PoV

I get to find out today if we are having a boy or a girl I have a strong feeling it's a boy and I have let Dakota know I think it,but I will be equally as happy to have another princess all I want is for them to be healthy 'hey babe are you ready to go' Dakota says as she walks I tk the kitchen 'I am ready when you are baby,let's I go so we can see our son' I say and wink, but Dakota sighs and her face falls,I look at my watch and we have a bit of spare time I want to know what's wrong with Dakota so I lead her to the sofa in the front room 'Dakota what's up and don't say nothing' I ask her gently 'Jamie this may be me being stupid but I just feel that you are so wanting this baby to be a boy that you might be disappointed if it's a girl' she says back and lowers her face to the floor,man I feel like shit for making her think I wouldn't be happy if we have a girl. I lift her chin so that she is looking at me 'Dakota baby I am so sorry that I made you think that I would be upset if we had a girl' I kiss her gently on the lips and I wipe her tears away 'let's go and see our baby' I can tell that she is trying to lighten the mood 'ok baby lets go see our son or daughter' I say and give her another kiss and we leave.
We are sat in the room waiting for the nurse 'I really don't mind a boy or a girl' I reassure Dakota 'I know babe it must've been my hormones' she giggles and I can tell it's a genuine giggle. The nurse walks in and after the usual questions asks Dakota to get on the couch and lift her shirt up,she moves the probe and pretty much straight away we hear the heartbeat and I feel a lump in my throat 'are we finding out baby's gender today the nurse asks 'yes please' Dakota and me say say together 'well Mr and Mrs Dornan congratulations it looks like your having a baby girl' the nurse says 'really a girl' Dakota gasps I knew that deep down she wanted a girl I look at her and she has tears in her eyes 'Jamie we are having a girl are you happy?' she looks at me with a creased forehead like she's worried 'baby you're giving me another princess I couldn't be happier' I say and smile it's only when Dakota wipes my cheek I realise I am crying 'but just to let you know because she will look as beautiful as you I won't be letting her out of my sight until she is thirty' I wink 'I don't think that's possible' she giggles 'well I can always try'. We go home with picture of our precious daughter.
We are settling into bed later in the evening 'I wonder what she will look like' Dakota suddenly says 'she will look beautiful like her mummy' I say then suddenly Dakota gasps and grabs her stomach 'what's wrong baby' I say worried 'Jamie give me your hand quickly' I give her my hand and she puts it on her bump and I suddenly feel a little kick against my hand 'she is saying hello to you daddy' Dakota giggles I lean down and kiss Dakota's bump 'hey baby girl it's daddy I love you so much,and I can't wait to meet you' I kiss Dakota and pull her to me 'thank you for my princess baby I love you' 'I love you too Jamie' she kisses me and we cuddle Dakota's back to my front and I go to sleep dreaming about my new princess.

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