Chapter 17- Baby Dornan arrives

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I just want to start by saying a huge thank you as I have now hit 2k views for this story I never thought it would get this type of response so thank you so much hope you enjoy this chapter ❤️

Dakota's PoV

I am a few days off my due date and I am so ready for our daughter to arrive,we told everyone it's a girl but haven't said what her name will be even though we have a name picked out. I remember when Jamie insisted that our daughter has the same middle name as me which is Mayi,I had to agree for it to be that as he wanted it as a first name


'Jamie I don't want to use my middle name for our daughter' I say exasperated as we have been taking names for ages 'but Mayi Dornan sounds good' he whines 'ok here is the deal if you really want to use Mayi it can be a middle name like mine' I try to compromise 'deal baby we now just need a first name' and I groan

End of flashback

'Come on baby girl daddy and me both want to meet you' I say rubbing my bump I hear a chuckle and Jamie walks in 'if she is anything like her mummy then she is going to arrive late as if she is stubborn then that she will get it from you' he chuckles I go to quip back at him when I get a shooting pain in my stomach 'baby are you okay' Jamie says with a worried look on his face 'I think my waters just broke' I say as I feel a gush of water between my legs

Jamie's PoV

I walk in from going to the shop to get the last few things we need for when the baby arrives I can't believe Dakota is due in a few days I walk towards the front room and I hear Dakota talking to her bump 'come on baby girl daddy and me can't wait to meet you' I chuckle and say 'if she is anything like her mummy then she is going to arrive late as if she is stubborn then she get it from you' I chuckle and just as she is about to say something back she grabs her stomach and gasps in pain 'baby are you ok' I am terrified 'I think that my water just broke' Dakota says and she starts to cry 'baby don't cry it will be ok' I go to get her bag but she grabs my arm 'don't leave me' she sobs 'I just need to go and get your bag baby I will be back in two minutes' I dash and get Dakota's bag 'come on baby lets go meet our daughter' I smile to reassure her I help Dakota into the car I am driving as quick as I can all the time holding Dakota's hand 'if you need to squeeze my hand go right ahead baby' 'Jesus this really hurts' she grimaces 'I know baby I hate seeing you in pain' I pull into the car park and help Dakota out of the car and into the hospital we are shown where we need to go 'aargh this is all your fault Dornan you are never coming near me again' Dakota shouts as we make our way to the room we have been shown I wisely keep quiet and just let her squeeze my hand.
We are in a room and it's been hours since we got to the hospital,a Dr and nurse walk in 'ok Mrs Dornan lets see how things are going' the Dr says and after examining Dakota she says that she is ready to push on the next contraction 'Jamie I'm scared' Dakota whimpers 'baby you will be fine I'm not going anywhere' I say and hold her hand and kiss her forehead. Dakota is doing amazing but I feel so helpless she starts to push again on the next contraction she has been pushing for a while and finally the baby's head is out 'one more push Mrs Dornan and you can meet your daughter the nurse encourages 'I can't Jamie I can't do this anymore' she cries 'baby yes you can your one of the strongest people I know think of our daughter' I kiss her again and she has a contraction and she grabs my hand after a few minutes we finally hear a baby's cry and Dakota lies back on the bed 'you did it baby our daughter is here' I kiss her and thank her over and over again both of us with tears in our eyes.
The nurse cleans our daughter and hands her to Dakota 'she's perfect Jamie' Dakota says between cries 'she certainly is baby she's finally here our little Alexandra Mayi Dornan I love you so much Dakota' I say with a huge lump in my throat 'I love you too Jamie'
A few hours Dakota is sleeping and I am holding my perfect baby girl in my arms 'hey princess you are perfect and your so lucky to have mummy she is amazing and will always help you gang up on daddy so you both get what you want and both have me wrapped round your little fingers and I can't be happier also your big sister Dulcie who can't wait to play and have fun with you I love you sweetheart so much,you mummy and your sister are my whole world' I kiss her little cheek and hear a sniffle 'Jamie that was beautiful' Dakota says her eyes shining with tears. I get up with Alexandra in my arms and sit on the bed next to Dakota and take two of my three most important girls and wrap them in my arms and I can't believe how happy I am right in this moment.

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